On Monday 10 April 2006 17:08, John Kodis wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 11:59:15AM +0100, Alan Brown wrote:
> > If there are recyclable pool volumes in the changer then use them, else
> > use available scratch pool volumes.
> >
> > Otherwise the size of a tape pool can effectively grow far more rapidly
> > than expected in the absence of a "max volumes =" pool parameter.
> I'd second this.  I'd like to be able to leave a number of scratch
> volumes available without having them put into service when there are
> other eligible volumes available.
> On a somewhat related note, I'm not clear on how the tape selection
> algorithm is altered when an autochanger is available.  For example,
> if there are two equally eligible volumes available, only one of which
> is in the autochanger, would this volume be preferred?  That seems
> desirable, but I don't see this behavior specified anywhere.

Please see the Recycle algorithm in the doc.

> I'm also unclear on whether Bacula currently tracks which volumes are
> in an autochanger.  Right now, I have two volumes that are both
> recorded in the database as "InChanger = 1" and "Slot = 4", but it's
> not obvious which tape is actually in the changer.

The Volume tracking is more or less manual using "update slots" or "update 
slots scan"

Best regards,



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