Well, if they are all the same age and have been written to roughly an equal number of times, that might be a possibility. I have had a few go at around the same time (not simultaneously, but within a week or so of each other).

I would have a little bit of trouble believing that HW compression is the cause either, considering IIRC you said this is a setup that was working for awhile with no changes (unless the tape drive is just on its way out and is having trouble doing compression -- not a failure mode in my experience anyway).

 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - User Support Spec. III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630

On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, Deann Corum wrote:

That was one thing I did think of and I did put in a cleaning tape and ran it through. Will see if that clears it up. I have trouble believing that 3-4 tapes were bad or corrupt all at once so not sure that's the problem but I suppose stranger things have happened.


Ryan Novosielski wrote:
Sounds to me like the media are going bad or your drive is dirty. Clean
your drive and possibly try a brand new tape.

deann corum wrote:

We're using Bacula 1.36.3 (yea, I know - old) on CentOS 3 (yea, I know
- old) with AIT3 tapes (which store about 150 GB each) in an 8-tape
changer (Sony Stor-Station LIB-81).

Suddenly, Bacula has started marking tapes as 'Full' when only a few
files have been written to them and only a few GB. We haven't changed
anything on the system or any settings recently. Below are examples of
what I'm seeing on three of the tapes that Bacula has marked as Full:

Tape 1:   10,788,852,486 |  12 files - about 10-11 GB
Tape 2:    1,026,192,264 |  1 file - about 1 GB
Tape 3:    5,899,324,539 |  25 files - about 6 GB

Having used Bacula for a while, I know these tapes hold much more data
than that and this is absolutely not right.

These are previously used Bacula tapes which have had the index erased
(weof). We recycle them after a period of time, but have never had a
problem with this. In my syslog file I see:

pr 11 01:46:39 stash st0: Error with sense data: Info fld=0x1b,
Current st09:00: sense key Medium Error
Apr 11 01:46:39 stash Additional sense indicates Write error

I can see that the drive doesn't like the tapes but am not sure why it
suddenly can't write to them beyond a certain point. Anyone have any
possible explanations for this?

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