On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> I'm running on kernel-2.6.16-1.2122_FC5 and not seeing the problems you are.
> However, I have only been running that system several days.
> I recommend the following things (obviously 2-4 are unnecessary if 1 
> fixes the problem):
> 1. This still looks most like a kernel driver problem to me.  Backing up to
> kernel-2.6.16-1.2111 would most likely clear up this point.

i'll try that as soon as i can clear time for a reboot, and will let the 
list know if that fixes it.  knowing that you're running .2122 makes me a 
bit less worried (i feared some major API change that broke bacula across 
the board, instead of a just a driver issue with my SCSI card) - but i 
don't want to be at .2111 forever.

if i could produce some kind of error that didn't involve bacula, i could 
log it with redhat's bugzilla, and try to make progress on that front.

> 2. Rebuild and reinstall Bacula (in case there are some library changes).

done that, both for 1.38.8 (make distclean; ./configure) and 1.38.9 (built 
from freshly unpacked tarball) - for that very reason.

> 3. Clean your tape drive.

good idea, i'll try it - but that way i can use dd to read and write to 
and from a blank tape (and, oddly, label it under 1.38.9 - but not then 
inventory it with an 'update slots=1 scan') makes me disinclined to 
suspect dirty tape heads.  is that wrong reasoning?

> 4. Mark the current Volume as Used and try a different one.

tried.  six tapes - three full, one part-full, two blank - *all* fail to 
read in an 'update slots scan', with the same error.

thanks for such a prompt, useful response with so much to try in it.  news 
as it's made.


   Tom Yates  -  http://www.teaparty.net

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