hi list,

1st there's a recurrent bug in the manual, you can't
use latex commands (\bf) inside a verbatim section.
i think there's an alternative section type where you
can do that.

that gives lines like these:
(in the Console program)
*{\bf restore}
First you select one or more JobIds that contain files

about the "Rejected Volumes After a Crash" tip, i
think bacula changed in between. here's my bconsole
29-Sep 16:19 server-sd: Please mount Volume "Daily2"
on Storage Device "hpsw" for Job
Update choice:
     1: Volume parameters
     2: Pool from resource
     3: Slots from autochanger
Choose catalog item to update (1-3): 1
Defined Pools:
     1: Daily
     2: Weekly
     3: Monthly
Select the Pool (1-3): 1
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes |
VolFiles | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger |
MediaType | LastWritten         |
| 1       | Daily1     | Error     | 0        | 0     
  | 864000       | 1       | 0    | 0         | DDS-4 
   | 2006-09-29 15:35:44 |
| 2       | Daily2     | Append    | 0        | 0     
  | 864000       | 1       | 0    | 0         | DDS-4 
   | 0                   |
| 3       | Daily3     | Append    | 0        | 0     
  | 864000       | 1       | 0    | 0         | DDS-4 
   | 0                   |
| 4       | Daily4     | Append    | 0        | 0     
  | 864000       | 1       | 0    | 0         | DDS-4 
   | 0                   |
| 5       | Daily5     | Append    | 0        | 0     
  | 864000       | 1       | 0    | 0         | DDS-4 
   | 0        
Enter MediaId or Volume name: 1
Updating Volume "Daily1"
Parameters to modify:
     1: Volume Status
     2: Volume Retention Period
     3: Volume Use Duration
     4: Maximum Volume Jobs
     5: Maximum Volume Files
     6: Maximum Volume Bytes
     7: Recycle Flag
     8: Slot
     9: InChanger Flag
    10: Volume Files
    11: Pool
    12: Volume from Pool
    13: All Volumes from Pool
    14: Done
Select parameter to modify (1-14): 10
Warning changing Volume Files can result
in loss of data on your Volume

Current Volume Files is: 0
Enter new number of Files for Volume: 9
Normally, you should only increase Volume Files by
Continue? (yes/no): yes
New Volume Files is: 9

and yes i had a 9/0 difference:
29-Sep 01:30 server-dir: No prior Full backup Job
record found.
29-Sep 01:30 server-dir: No prior or suitable Full
backup found. Doing FULL backup.
29-Sep 01:30 server-dir: Start Backup JobId 1,
29-Sep 01:30 server-sd: Volume "Daily1" previously
written, moving to end of data.
29-Sep 01:30 server-sd:
NightlySave.2006-09-29_01.30.00 Error: I canot write
on Volume "Daily1" because:
The number of files mismatch! Volume=9 Catalog=0
29-Sep 01:30 server-sd: Marking Volume "Daily1" in
Error in Catalog.


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