Thanks for your reply Arno...

*If* it is a bug, it has crept in between 1.36.2 and 1.38.9 releases.  I just 
confirmed that the restore goes fine (ie. both tests work as expected) on a 
1.36.2 install.  Taking the exact same config files (provided), a 1.38.9 
fails with the same message provided in my first email.




# Default Bacula Director Configuration file
#  The only thing that MUST be changed is to add one or more
#   file or directory names in the Include directive of the
#   FileSet resource.
#  For Bacula release 1.36.1 (24 November 2004) -- mandrake for
#  You might also want to change the default email address
#   from root to your address.  See the "mail" and "operator"
#   directives in the Messages resource.
# DO NOT REMOVE - Email on edit

Director {                            # define myself
   Name = "Djheath-dir"
   DIRport = 9101                # where we listen for UA connections
   QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"
   WorkingDirectory = "/var/bacula"
   PidDirectory = "/var/run"
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
   Password = "aaaaaa"
   Messages = Daemon
   FDConnectTimeout = 10sec
   SDConnectTimeout = 5min

JobDefs {
   Name = "DefaultJob"
   Type = Backup
   Level = Incremental
   Client = "Djheath-fd"
   FileSet = "Home"
   Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
   Storage = File
   Messages = Standard
   Pool = "Default"
   Priority = 10

# Define the main nightly save backup job
#   By default, this job will back up to disk in /tmp
Job {
   Name = "BackupHome"
   Type = "Backup"
   Level = "Full"
   Client = "Djheath-fd"
   FileSet = "Home"
   Storage = "File"
   Pool = "Default"
   Priority = "10"
   Messages = Standard
   WriteBootstrap = "/var/bacula/Server-fd.bsr"

# Backup the catalog database (after the nightly save)

# Standard Restore template, to be changed by Console program

FileSet {
   Name = "Catalog"
   # DO NOT REMOVE - This is a database fileset
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_DELETE
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_EDIT
   Include {
     Options {
       Signature = MD5
     File = "/var/bacula/Catalog.sql"

# List of files to be backed up
FileSet {
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_DELETE
   Name = "Home"
   Include {
     Options {
       signature = MD5
#  Put your list of files here, preceded by 'File =', one per line
#    or include an external list with:
#    File = <file-name
#  Note: / backs up everything on the root partition.
#    if you have other partitons such as /usr or /home
#    you will probably want to add them too.
#  By default this is defined to point to the Bacula build
#    directory to give a reasonable FileSet to backup to
#    disk storage during initial testing.
     File = "/home"

# If you backup the root directory, the following two excluded
#   files can be useful
   Exclude {
     File = "/proc"
     File = "/tmp"
     File = "/.autofsck"

# When to do the backups, full backup on first sunday of the month,
#  differential (i.e. incremental since full) every other sunday,
#  and incremental backups other days

Schedule {
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_DELETE
   Name = "WeeklyCycle"
   Run = Full 1st sun at 01:05
   Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 01:05

# This schedule does the catalog.
Schedule {
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_DELETE
   Name = "DailyCycle"
   Run = Full daily at 1:10

# This is the backup of the catalog

# Client (File Services) to backup
Client {
   Name = "Djheath-fd"
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_DELETE
   Address = "localhost"
   FDPort = 9102
   Catalog = MyCatalog
   Password = "xxxxxx"
   File Retention = 30 days            # 30 days
   Job Retention = 6 months            # six months
   AutoPrune = "yes" # Prune expired Jobs/Files
   FileRetention = 30 days
   JobRetention = 6 months

# Definiton of file storage device
Storage {
   # Do not use "localhost" here
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_DELETE
   Name = File
   Address = ""
   SDPort = 9103
   Password = "yyyyyy"
   Device = "File"
   MediaType = "File"

# Generic catalog service
Catalog {
   Name = MyCatalog
   dbname =  bacula
   dbport = 3307
   dbsocket = "/opt/bacula/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock"
   user = bacula
   password = ""

# Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address
#  and to the console
Messages {
# NOTE! If you send to two email or more email addresses, you will need
#  to replace the %r in the from field (-f part) with a single valid
#  email address in both the mailcommand and the operatorcommand.
# WARNING! the following will create a file that you must cycle from
#          time to time as it will grow indefinitely. However, it will
#          also keep all your messages if they scroll off the console.
   Name = Standard
   mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\" 
\"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"
   operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h -f \"\(Bacula\) 
%r\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"
   mail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" = all, !skipped
   operator = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" = mount
   console = all, !skipped, !saved
   append = "/var/log/bacula" = all, !skipped

# Message delivery for daemon messages (no job).
Messages {
   Name = Daemon
   mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h -f \"\(Bacula\) %r\" 
\"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
   mail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" = all, !skipped
   console = all, !skipped, !saved
   append = "/var/log/bacula" = all, !skipped

# Default pool definition

# Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director
Console {
   Name = Server-mon
   Password = "monitor"
   CommandACL = status, .status

Pool {
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_DELETE
   Name = "Default"
   PoolType = "Backup"
   Recycle = "yes"
   AutoPrune = "yes"
   VolumeRetention = 3 days
   AcceptAnyVolume = "yes"
   LabelFormat = "DefaultVolume-"

Job {
   # DO NOT REMOVE - Webconfig NO_DELETE
   Name = "Restore"
   Type = "Restore"
   Client = "Djheath-fd"
   FileSet = "Home"
   Storage = "File"
   Messages = "Standard"
   Pool = "Default"
   Replace = "always"


# Default Bacula Storage Daemon Configuration file
#  For Bacula release 1.36.1 (24 November 2004) -- redhat (Tettnang)
# You may need to change the name of your tape drive
#   on the "Archive Device" directive in the Device
#   resource.  If you change the Name and/or the
#   "Media Type" in the Device resource, please ensure
#   that dird.conf has corresponding changes.

Storage {                             # definition of myself
   Name = "Djheath-sd"
   SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
   WorkingDirectory = "/var/bacula"
   Pid Directory = "/var/run"
   MaximumConcurrentJobs = 20

Director {
   Name = "Djheath-dir"
   Password = "yyyyyy"

Device {
   Name = File
   MediaType = "File"
   ArchiveDevice = "/tmp"
   LabelMedia = "yes"
   Random Access = "yes"
   AutomaticMount = "yes"
   RemovableMedia = "no"
   AlwaysOpen = "yes"
   RandomAccess = "yes"

Messages {
   Name = Standard
   director = "Djheath-dir" = all


# Default  Bacula File Daemon Configuration file
#  For Bacula release 1.36.1 (24 November 2004) -- redhat (Tettnang)
# There is not much to change here except perhaps the
# File daemon Name to

# List Directors who are permitted to contact this File daemon
Director {
   Name = "Djheath-dir"
   Password = "xxxxxx"

FileDaemon {                          # this is me
   Name = "Djheath-fd"
   FDport = 9102                  # where we listen for the director
   WorkingDirectory = /var/bacula
   Pid Directory = /var/run
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

# Send all messages except skipped files back to Director
Messages {
   Name = Standard
   director = "Djheath-dir" = all, !skipped

Benjamin Chambers, P.Eng.
ClarkConnect Account Manager
Point Clark Networks
1179 King Street West, Suite 211
Toronto, ON
Canada, M6K 3C5

Tel:  +1.416.977.0574 Ext. 111
Fax:  +1.416.946.1192

Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> On 12/7/2006 10:11 PM, Benjamin Chambers wrote:
>> Bacula version 1.38.9/1.38.11 with MySQL
>> I would very much appreciate it if anyone could clarify an issue that has 
>> come 
>> up while attempting to restore from a bootstrap file.
>> The question is actually fundamentally quite simple...Can a BSR file be used 
>> to 
>> perform a restore if you have the boostrap file and backup data...but have 
>> lost 
>> the Catalog?  The situation being, of course, failure of the server itself, 
>> where Bacula runs.
> ...
>> Here's a short summary of test results:
>> TEST 1
>> ======
>> 1.  Perform a backup of the server
>> 2.  Perform a 'run job=Restore' using 'mod' to specify the BSR file created 
>> automatically in step 1.
>> Result:  Restore OK (the catalog still existed)
>> TEST 2
>> ======
>> 1.  Perform a backup of the server
>> 2.  Run /drop_mysql_database, create_mysql_database, make_mysql_tables 
>> scripts 
>> to simulate the loss of the server (Catalog).
>> 3.  Perform a 'run job=Restore' using 'mod' to specify the BSR file created 
>> automatically in step 1.
>> Result:  Restore FAILS
> That should work, according to the manual.
> I suggest you file a bug report at, unless someone else 
> has a better solution... I've never tried what you do, I always relied 
> on bextrace for my destaster recovery test.
> Arno
>> I have provided some debug below.  It looks as though the restore first 
>> tries to 
>>   match the VolumeName picked up from the BSR against the Catalog.  
>> Containing 
>> no data (because the database was re-initialized between backup/restore), 
>> this 
>> operation, of course, fails.  At this point, I'm not certain what 
>> happens...if a 
>> BSR restore with no Catalog is possible, one would think that the SD would 
>> see 
>> if it could find the Volume specified in the BSR.  I *think* this is 
>> happening, 
>> but somewhere along the line, the VolumeName becomes nil.
>> I know I can use bextract to do a successful restore in this case...but it's 
>> not 
>> as convenient and it would be good to clear up the capabilities anyways, 
>> because 
>> the section on "Disaster Recovery" doesn't (IMO) definitively say what I'm 
>> trying to do is possible.
>> Thanks in advance to anyone who has time and knowledge to shed some light.
>> Cheers,
>> Ben
>> ******Job Report******
>> 07-Dec 15:58 Server-sd: Restore.2006-12-07_15.58.46 Warning: acquire.c:82 
>> Error 
>> getting Volume info: 1997 Volume "2006-12-07-0" not in catalog.
>> 07-Dec 15:58 Server-sd: Restore.2006-12-07_15.58.46 Fatal error: 
>> acquire.c:109 
>> Read open device "_BensLaptop" (/var/bacula/mnt/file/_BensLaptop) Volume "" 
>> failed: ERR=Could not open file device "_BensLaptop" 
>> (/var/bacula/mnt/file/_BensLaptop). No Volume name given.
>> 07-Dec 15:58 Server-dir: Restore.2006-12-07_15.58.46 Error: Bacula 1.38.11 
>> (28Jun06): 07-Dec-2006 15:58:50
>>    JobId:                  1
>>    Job:                    Restore.2006-12-07_15.58.46
>>    Client:                 Server-fd
>>    Start time:             07-Dec-2006 15:58:49
>>    End time:               07-Dec-2006 15:58:50
>>    Files Expected:         0
>>    Files Restored:         0
>>    Bytes Restored:         0
>>    Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
>>    FD Errors:              0
>>    FD termination status:  OK
>>    SD termination status:  Error
>>    Termination:            *** Restore Error ***
>> ******SD in DEBUG******
>> Server-sd: parse_bsr.c:168 Leave parse_bsf()
>> Next        : 0x0
>> Root bsr    : 0x91b72a8
>> VolumeName  : 2006-12-07-0
>>    MediaType : File-9353
>>    Device    :
>>    Slot      : 0
>> SessId      : 1
>> SessTime    : 1165524894
>> VolFile     : 0-0
>> VolBlock    : 929920-1430482
>> FileIndex   : 1-468
>> done        : no
>> positioning : 1
>> fast_reject : 1
>> Server-sd: fd_cmds.c:135 <filed: read data 2
>> Server-sd: fd_cmds.c:261 Read data: read data 2
>> Server-sd: fd_cmds.c:263 <bfiled: read data 2
>> Server-sd: read.c:46 Start read data.
>> Server-sd: parse_bsr.c:913 Added volume=2006-12-07-0 mediatype=File-9353
>> Server-sd: read.c:62 Found 1 volumes names to restore. First=2006-12-07-0
>> Server-sd: device.c:352 lock 0 from dev.c:697
>> Server-sd: device.c:395 block set 3 from dev.c:698
>> Server-sd: acquire.c:80 dir_get_volume_info
>> Server-sd: askdir.c:211 >dird: CatReq Job=Restore.2006-12-07_15.58.46 
>> GetVolInfo 
>> VolName=2006-12-07-0 write=0
>> Server-sd: askdir.c:165 <dird 1997 Volume "2006-12-07-0" not in catalog.
>> Server-sd: askdir.c:177 Bad response from Dir fields=-1: 1997 Volume 
>> "2006-12-07-0" not in catalog.
>> Server-sd: acquire.c:100 bstored: open vol=
>> Server-sd: dev.c:276 open dev: tape=0 dev_name="_BensLaptop" 
>> (/var/bacula/mnt/file/_BensLaptop) vol= mode=OPEN_READ_ONLY
>> Server-sd: dev.c:285 call open_file_device mode=OPEN_READ_ONLY
>> Server-sd: acquire.c:195 Dec reserve=0 dev="_BensLaptop" 
>> (/var/bacula/mnt/file/_BensLaptop)
>> Server-sd: device.c:408 unblock BST_DOING_ACQUIRE from dev.c:705
>> Server-sd: acquire.c:200 jcr->dcr=(nil)
>> Server-sd: match_bsr.c:169 No nxt_bsr use_pos=1 repos=1
>> Server-sd: device.c:352 lock 0 from acquire.c:353
>> Server-sd: acquire.c:354 release_device device is disk
>> Server-sd: reserve.c:200 free_volume: no vol on dev "_BensLaptop" 
>> (/var/bacula/mnt/file/_BensLaptop)
>> Server-sd: dev.c:1691 really close_dev "_BensLaptop" 
>> (/var/bacula/mnt/file/_BensLaptop)
>> Server-sd: dvd.c:93 Enter unmount_dev
>> Server-sd: reserve.c:200 free_volume: no vol on dev "_BensLaptop" 
>> (/var/bacula/mnt/file/_BensLaptop)
>> Server-sd: device.c:381 unlock from acquire.c:437
>> Server-sd: read.c:83 Done reading.
>> Server-sd: dircmd.c:211 Command run requsts quit
>> Server-sd: mem_pool.c:363 garbage collect memory pool

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