Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 02 Jan 2007 17:49:22 -0500, DAve  said:
>> I have a problem that may be simple. But trying to get a traceback is 
>> proving to be problematic. Following the directions in the manual, and 
>> what I could find in archives, I believe I am doing it correctly. 
>> However a couple issues spring up.
>> First, the manual states that running btraceback manually should send 
>> the current state of bacula and exit leaving the processes running. This 
>> is true if there are no jobs running.
>> But if jobs are running, bacula-dir goes away. Should btraceback stop 
>> bacula-dir?
>> And finally, the traceback I get when I see the problem I am trying to 
>> report. I get the strange feeling that I need more information to 
>> properly report the problem to Kern.
>> I am running Bacula 1.38.5
>> FreeBSD 5.4
>> Bacula installed from ports.
>> I have debug set to a value of 99.
>> I am running btraceback manually as root with the following command.
>> btraceback /usr/local/sbin/bacula-dir 86459
>> The PID is correct and  /usr/local/sbin/btraceback has been correctly 
>> edited.
>> Thanks, any assistance is appreciated.
> The errors "Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)" and "No
> stack" can mean several things, in order of likeliness:
> 1) the code doesn't contain sufficient debug info
> 2) gdb is broken or incompatible with gcc
> 3) gcc is broken or incompatible with gdb

As this is a clean install, nothing beyond Bacula is installed other 
than the base OS, I think 2 and 3 are not likely the problem. However 
I'll look into the FreeBSD archives to see if anything has been reported.

> You could try configuring and building Bacula with CFLAGS="-g" to solve 1,
> though there will still be issues with the system libraries.

I can do that, my next step was to abandon the port and build from 
source for that reason. What issues would this cause with system libraries?

> If that doesn't work, then building your own gdb from the latest sources might
> help with 2.  You might be able to build your own gcc too, but that's pretty
> drastic.

I have built gcc from sources before, it has never solved any problem it 
was advised as a solution for 8^(   That will be my last ditch effort 
before changing the OS.

> Finally, you can run bacula-dir directly under gdb (add the -f option when
> starting bacula-dir).  Then interrupt bacula-dir and use the gdb commands in
> the script at the gdb command line, which should allow you to skip any that
> fail.

I can give that a try though scheduling a time frame might be difficult. 
There are some features in 2.0 we have been waiting for, I am 
considering moving all services and clients to 2.0 first on the off 
chance the problem may go away. I did not see anything in the release 
notes that leads me to believe so, but then again I have not opened a 
bug either.

So as a heads up, the issue I am trying to get a traceback on is the 

We are still unable to get a specific client fd to transfer more than 
7.5GB of data. We have updated the client to 1.38.10, tried heartbeat, 
compression on/off, scheduled based on max available bandwidth. We even 
let the backup project wait until the client server was replaced. It is 
now running a fresh install of Windows Server 2003 on new hardware.

I did discover after repeated queries that the network admin also had to 
configure a NetScreen FW between the client server and our COLOC switch. 
That is another device to investigate that I was not aware of. I have 
not yet attempted working with the network buffer size as I do not have 
enough information/knowledge on how to calculate the requirements.

> __Martin

Thank you,


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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