Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Not to be chomping at the bit here, but I guess questions that I have
> are A) How hard is it likely to be to get this thing built for Windows?
> I don't expect you to have an answer for that as I suppose Robert does
> most of the Windows work, but I'd be curious to know. B) If anyone is
> familiar with this, on Solaris, is there a set of files that one can add
> to a system that is relatively lightweight to support something like
> this? Perhaps you have other KDE apps and know how this works. In my
> experience, most distros want the qt libs package, but then that package
> wants about 30 others.
> Thanks for any insights from the peanut gallery. I'd love to start using
> this, but would pass for the time being if it will require extensive
> dependency building.

I'll just reply to the Solaris part.

I typically grab a good deal of this sort of stuff from sunfreeware. I 
try not to get things I don't need, but when you have a chain of 
dependencies, you don't have much choice -- either you want that 
capability or you scrap the whole thing.

I have a directory /usr/local/pkg and a directory /usr/local/src, and I 
keep everything I have installed in one or the other of those. Some 
things you need source, some things it's unnecessary overhead and trouble.

For me, Solaris is for servers. My desktop is Mac OS X. I don't use any 
graphical interface on my servers. I typically have a dozen or more 
terminal windows open with ssh sessions.

If I were going to use a gui for something like bacula, I would want it 
at my desktop, not on the server. So, while my backup servers and 
everything would be on Solaris, I would want a client/server arrangement 
where I could do the administration from a gui on my Mac. Don't know if 
that fits with the current plan, but it seems most logical to me -- 
architecturally more robust and not caught up in the exporting of 
graphical interface through something like X11. From my perspective, 
that's not what a server ought to be spending its time doing. I would 
want the bacula install to be modular enough that I wouldn't have to 
install the graphical stuff on my server.


Chris Hoogendyk

   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 



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