
I'm in the process of setup up bweb on my bacula server as the last step 
in upgrading Bacula to 2.0.x.

However I've run into some problems I suspect are caused by my use of 
MySQL 3.

I've followed the install instructions and can browse the main bweb 
page, but several of the other pages dont display any information. (Just 
empty tables)

One example of this is the Media->Pools page.

I turned on debug in bweb.conf and got the following query displayed 
when I visited the Media->Pools page:

SELECT subq.volmax        AS volmax,
        subq.volnum        AS volnum,
        subq.voltotal      AS voltotal,
        Pool.Name          AS name,
        Pool.Recycle       AS recycle,
        Pool.VolRetention  AS volretention,
        Pool.VolUseDuration AS voluseduration,
        Pool.MaxVolJobs    AS maxvoljobs,
        Pool.MaxVolFiles   AS maxvolfiles,
        Pool.MaxVolBytes   AS maxvolbytes,
        subq.PoolId        AS PoolId
     SELECT COALESCE(media_avg_size.volavg,0) * count(Media.MediaId) AS 
            count(Media.MediaId)  AS volnum,
            sum(Media.VolBytes)   AS voltotal,
            Media.PoolId          AS PoolId,
            Media.MediaType       AS MediaType
     FROM Media
     LEFT JOIN (SELECT avg(Media.VolBytes) AS volavg,
                       Media.MediaType     AS MediaType
                FROM Media
               WHERE Media.VolStatus = 'Full'
               GROUP BY Media.MediaType
                ) AS media_avg_size ON (Media.MediaType = 
     GROUP BY Media.MediaType, Media.PoolId, media_avg_size.volavg
   ) AS subq
LEFT JOIN Pool ON (Pool.PoolId = subq.PoolId)

It makes use of sub-selects and other "empty" pages I visit show queries 
also making use of them.

MySQL 3 doesn't support sub queries so it looks like bweb isn't 
compatible with it. I've hunted thru all the doco on it and not found 
anything definitive however.

Can someone confirm whether it works with MySQL 3, and if so what I have 
to do to make it work.

Also, can anyone confirm if the bacula-mysql-2.0.2-1.el3.i386.rpm will 
work with MySQL 4 or 5, or is it built with just MySQL 3?

Thanks in advance,

Troy Daniels.
Systems Administrator
iTouch Australia (pty) ltd.

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