Ok, I've got the debug output of the storage daemon now:

I have the system setup to spool the data to the drive then write to the media. Everything looks fine until after the system starts to despool everything to tape. Here are the debug messages from despool on:

dctn-sd: ../../stored/spool.c:220 Despooling data
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:395 >dird: Jmsg Job=dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12 type=6 level=1174944136 dctn-sd: Job write elapsed time = 00:44:54, Transfer rate = 3.623 M bytes/second
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:332 Update cat VolFiles=2
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:351 >dird: dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:357 Didn't get vol info vol=GovDeals-01: ERR=Network error on bnet_recv in req_vol_info. dctn-sd: ../../stored/block.c:748 dir_update_volume_info terminate writing -- ERROR
dctn-sd: ../../stored/block.c:771 Leave terminate_writing_volume -- ERROR
dctn-sd: ../../stored/spool.c:140 Bad return from despool WroteVol=0
dctn-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:194 Enter wchar_win32_path

There is more but it's all the finishing up stuff like removing spool file and releasing the tape drive. So there you have the debug. Looks like the storage daemon isn't able to get the volume information from the tape or something. There is another entry higher up in the log that shows a similar volume error:

dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:155 Requested Volume "GovDeals-01" on "DLT-Drive" (Tape0) is not a Bacula labeled Volume, because: ERR=../../stored/block.c:1006 Read zero bytes at 0:0 on device "DLT-Drive" (Tape0).
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:179 No volume label - bailing out

But that isn't true because I labeled the tape just before I ran the job. Crap I don't know what the problem with this thing is. Does this information help? I have attached the entire debug trace file for anyone that can help to view.


Kern Sibbald wrote:
On Monday 26 March 2007 21:54, Brian Debelius wrote:
Kern Sibbald wrote:
On Monday 26 March 2007 21:38, Jason King wrote:
The problem I have is that this particular SD is running on Windows so there is no STOUT. Where do I look from there? I can set the -d option within the services options but I just don't know where to look for the debug information.
Well for Windows, you will need to get help from someone else the details
slightly different.

However, it seems to me that I already mentioned in a previous email that
output is put into bacula.trace (actually, I think it is bacula-sd.trace). That file is probably created in the directory the SD executable is
Robert has previously given instructions on how to do this (probably
times) on the email list, and it is also documented in the manual for the
Mine for what ever reason get created in c:\windows\system32

Oh! That's precisely why I said "for Windows you will need to get help from someone else; the details are slightly different". Thanks. Eventhough Win32 is not my favorite platform, I am determined to learn these things :-)

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opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys-and earn cash
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bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:194 Enter wchar_win32_path
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:378 Leave wchar_win32_path=\
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:107 Enter convert_unix_to_win32_path
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:158 path=\\?\bacula-sd.conf
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:167 Leave cvt_u_to_win32_path 
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:194 Enter wchar_win32_path
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:208 Leave wchar_win32_path no change 
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:729 GetFileAttributes(\\?\bacula-sd.conf): The 
system cannot find the file specified.
bacula-sd: ../../stored/stored_conf.c:675 Inserting director res: dctn-dir
bacula-sd: ../../stored/stored_conf.c:675 Inserting director res: dctn-mon
bacula-sd: ../../stored/stored_conf.c:675 Inserting device res: DLT-Drive
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:194 Enter wchar_win32_path
bacula-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:378 Leave wchar_win32_path=\
dctn-sd: ../../lib/jcr.c:129 read_last_jobs seek to 192
dctn-sd: ../../lib/jcr.c:136 Read num_items=2
dctn-sd: ../../stored/stored.c:476 calling init_dev D:\bacula-tmp
dctn-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:194 Enter wchar_win32_path
dctn-sd: ../../lib/bnet_server.c:98 Addresses host[ipv4:] 
dctn-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:378 Leave wchar_win32_path=\
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:254 init_dev: tape=0 dev_name=D:\bacula-tmp
dctn-sd: ../../stored/stored.c:478 SD init done D:\bacula-tmp
dctn-sd: ../../stored/stored.c:476 calling init_dev Tape0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:254 init_dev: tape=1 dev_name=Tape0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/stored.c:478 SD init done Tape0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/stored.c:491 calling first_open_device "DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:295 open dev: type=2 dev_name="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) 
vol= mode=OPEN_READ_ONLY
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:345 Open dev: device is tape
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:360 Try open "DLT-Drive" (Tape0) mode=OPEN_READ_ONLY
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:434 open dev: tape 3 opened
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:309 preserve=0x0 fd=3
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:81 Enter read_volume_label res=0 
device="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) vol= dev_Vol=*NULL*
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:150 Big if statement in read_volume_label
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:159 New Vol=GovDeals-01 dev="DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:219 Compare Vol names: VolName= hdr=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:235 Copy vol_name=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:240 Leave read_volume_label() VOL_OK
dctn-sd: ../../lib/bnet.c:1154 who=client host= port=36643
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:71 send: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ssl=0
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:131 cram-get: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:150 sending resp to challenge: 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:199 Message channel init completed.
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:551 Found device DLT-Drive
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:591 Found device DLT-Drive
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:801 Device not in use, unmounting
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:1849 close_dev "DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:237 free_volume GovDeals-01 dev="DLT-Drive" 
dctn-sd: ../../lib/bnet.c:1154 who=client host= port=36643
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:71 send: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ssl=0
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:131 cram-get: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:150 sending resp to challenge: 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:199 Message channel init completed.
dctn-sd: ../../lib/bnet.c:1154 who=client host= port=36643
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:71 send: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ssl=0
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:131 cram-get: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:150 sending resp to challenge: 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:199 Message channel init completed.
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:551 Found device DLT-Drive
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:591 Found device DLT-Drive
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:411 Stole device "DLT-Drive" (Tape0) lock, 
writing label.
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:414 try_autoload_device - looking for volume_info
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:295 open dev: type=2 dev_name="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) 
vol=GovDeals-01 mode=OPEN_READ_WRITE
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:345 Open dev: device is tape
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:360 Try open "DLT-Drive" (Tape0) 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:434 open dev: tape 3 opened
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:309 preserve=0x0 fd=3
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:81 Enter read_volume_label res=0 
device="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) vol=GovDeals-01 dev_Vol=*NULL*
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:150 Big if statement in read_volume_label
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:155 Requested Volume "GovDeals-01" on "DLT-Drive" 
(Tape0) is not a Bacula labeled Volume, because: ERR=../../stored/block.c:1006 
Read zero bytes at 0:0 on device "DLT-Drive" (Tape0).
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:179 No volume label - bailing out
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:311 write_volume_label()
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:588 Start create_volume_label()
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:213 free_volume: no vol on dev "DLT-Drive" 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:369 Wrote label of 155 bytes to "DLT-Drive" 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:372 Call write_block_to_dev()
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:387  Wrote block to device
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:159 New Vol=GovDeals-01 dev="DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:1849 close_dev "DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:237 free_volume GovDeals-01 dev="DLT-Drive" 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:551 Found device DLT-Drive
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:591 Found device DLT-Drive
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:623 mount cmd blocked=1
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:295 open dev: type=2 dev_name="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) 
vol= mode=OPEN_READ_ONLY
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:345 Open dev: device is tape
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:360 Try open "DLT-Drive" (Tape0) mode=OPEN_READ_ONLY
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:434 open dev: tape 3 opened
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:309 preserve=0x0 fd=3
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:81 Enter read_volume_label res=0 
device="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) vol= dev_Vol=*NULL*
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:150 Big if statement in read_volume_label
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:159 New Vol=GovDeals-01 dev="DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:219 Compare Vol names: VolName= hdr=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:235 Copy vol_name=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:240 Leave read_volume_label() VOL_OK
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:655 Unmounted. Unblocking device
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:81 Enter read_volume_label res=0 
device="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) vol= dev_Vol=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:150 Big if statement in read_volume_label
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:159 New Vol=GovDeals-01 dev="DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:219 Compare Vol names: VolName= hdr=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:235 Copy vol_name=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:240 Leave read_volume_label() VOL_OK
dctn-sd: ../../lib/bnet.c:1154 who=client host= port=36643
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:71 send: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ssl=0
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:131 cram-get: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:150 sending resp to challenge: 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dircmd.c:199 Message channel init completed.
dctn-sd: ../../stored/job.c:86 <dird: JobId=357 job=dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12 
job_name=dctn client_name=dctn-fd type=66 level=70 FileSet=DCTNSet NoAttr=0 
SpoolAttr=0 FileSetMD5=w9gJb/+N/z++/5Eh/6+VjC SpoolData=1 WritePartAfterJob=1 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/job.c:139 >dird: 3000 OK Job SDid=1 SDtime=1174941324 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:377 <dird: use storage=DLT-Tape media_type=DLT 
pool_name=GovDeals pool_type=Backup append=1 copy=0 stripe=0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:406 <dird device: use device=DLT-Drive
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:266 >dird: CatReq Job=dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12 
FindMedia=1 pool_name=GovDeals media_type=DLT
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:182 <dird 1000 OK VolName=GovDeals-01 VolJobs=0 
VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=64512 VolMounts=0 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=0 
MaxVolBytes=0 VolCapacityBytes=0 VolStatus=Append Slot=0 MaxVolJobs=0 
MaxVolFiles=0 InChanger=1 VolReadTime=0 VolWriteTime=0 EndFile=0 EndBlock=0 
VolParts=0 LabelType=0 MediaId=37
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:204 do_reqest_vol_info return true slot=0 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:159 New Vol=GovDeals-01 dev="DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:735 JobId=357 looking for Volume=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:998 OK Dev avail reserved "DLT-Drive" (Tape0) 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:872 Inc reserve=1 dev="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) c385b0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:747 Reserved=1 dev_name=DLT-Drive mediatype=DLT 
pool=GovDeals ok=1
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:668 >dird dev: 3000 OK use device 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:593 Suitable device found=DLT-Drive
dctn-sd: ../../stored/job.c:172 dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12 waiting 1800 sec for 
FD to contact SD
dctn-sd: ../../lib/bnet.c:1154 who=client host= port=36643
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:71 send: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ssl=0
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:131 cram-get: auth cram-md5 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
dctn-sd: ../../lib/cram-md5.c:150 sending resp to challenge: 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/job.c:190 Running job dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12
dctn-sd: ../../stored/append.c:73 Start append data. res=1
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:266 >dird: CatReq Job=dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12 
FindMedia=1 pool_name=GovDeals media_type=DLT
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:182 <dird 1000 OK VolName=GovDeals-01 VolJobs=0 
VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=64512 VolMounts=0 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=0 
MaxVolBytes=0 VolCapacityBytes=0 VolStatus=Append Slot=0 MaxVolJobs=0 
MaxVolFiles=0 InChanger=1 VolReadTime=0 VolWriteTime=0 EndFile=0 EndBlock=0 
VolParts=0 LabelType=0 MediaId=37
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:204 do_reqest_vol_info return true slot=0 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/reserve.c:159 New Vol=GovDeals-01 dev="DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:286 Close fd for mode change.
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:295 open dev: type=2 dev_name="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) 
vol=GovDeals-01 mode=OPEN_READ_WRITE
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:345 Open dev: device is tape
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:360 Try open "DLT-Drive" (Tape0) 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:434 open dev: tape 3 opened
dctn-sd: ../../stored/dev.c:309 preserve=0x40 fd=3
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:81 Enter read_volume_label res=1 
device="DLT-Drive" (Tape0) vol=GovDeals-01 dev_Vol=GovDeals-01
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:104 Leave read_volume_label() VOL_OK
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:275 write Label in write_volume_label_to_block()
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:289 Wrote label of 155 bytes to block
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:332 Update cat VolFiles=0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:351 >dird: CatReq Job=dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12 
UpdateMedia VolName=GovDeals-01 VolJobs=0 VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=64512 
VolMounts=1 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=1 MaxVolBytes=0 EndTime=1174941440 
VolStatus=Append Slot=0 relabel=1 InChanger=1 VolReadTime=0 VolWriteTime=0 
VolFirstWritten=0 VolParts=0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:182 <dird 1000 OK VolName=GovDeals-01 VolJobs=0 
VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=64512 VolMounts=1 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=1 
MaxVolBytes=0 VolCapacityBytes=0 VolStatus=Append Slot=0 MaxVolJobs=0 
MaxVolFiles=0 InChanger=1 VolReadTime=0 VolWriteTime=0 EndFile=0 EndBlock=0 
VolParts=0 LabelType=0 MediaId=37
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:204 do_reqest_vol_info return true slot=0 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:332 Update cat VolFiles=0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:351 >dird: CatReq Job=dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12 
UpdateMedia VolName=GovDeals-01 VolJobs=1 VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=64512 
VolMounts=1 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=1 MaxVolBytes=0 EndTime=1174941441 
VolStatus=Append Slot=0 relabel=0 InChanger=1 VolReadTime=0 VolWriteTime=0 
VolFirstWritten=0 VolParts=0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:182 <dird 1000 OK VolName=GovDeals-01 VolJobs=1 
VolFiles=0 VolBlocks=0 VolBytes=64512 VolMounts=1 VolErrors=0 VolWrites=1 
MaxVolBytes=0 VolCapacityBytes=0 VolStatus=Append Slot=0 MaxVolJobs=0 
MaxVolFiles=0 InChanger=1 VolReadTime=0 VolWriteTime=0 EndFile=0 EndBlock=0 
VolParts=0 LabelType=0 MediaId=37
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:204 do_reqest_vol_info return true slot=0 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/acquire.c:414 Dec reserve=0 dev="DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/append.c:96 Begin append device="DLT-Drive" (Tape0)
dctn-sd: ../../stored/spool.c:109 Turning on data spooling
dctn-sd: ../../stored/spool.c:178 Created spool file: 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/append.c:101 Just after acquire_device_for_append
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:691 session_label record=c58aa0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:747 Write sesson_label record JobId=357 
FI=SOS_LABEL SessId=1 Strm=357 len=138 remainder=0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:751 Leave write_session_label Block=1d File=0d
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:691 session_label record=c58aa0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:747 Write sesson_label record JobId=357 
FI=EOS_LABEL SessId=1 Strm=357 len=174 remainder=0
dctn-sd: ../../stored/label.c:751 Leave write_session_label Block=1d File=0d
dctn-sd: ../../stored/append.c:300 back from write_end_session_label()
dctn-sd: ../../stored/spool.c:137 Committing spooled data
dctn-sd: ../../stored/spool.c:220 Despooling data
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:395 >dird: Jmsg Job=dctn.2007-03-26_15.37.12 
type=6 level=1174944136 dctn-sd: Job write elapsed time = 00:44:54, Transfer 
rate = 3.623 M bytes/second
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:332 Update cat VolFiles=2
dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:351 >dird: dctn-sd: ../../stored/askdir.c:357 
Didn't get vol info vol=GovDeals-01: ERR=Network error on bnet_recv in 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/block.c:748 dir_update_volume_info terminate writing -- 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/block.c:771 Leave terminate_writing_volume -- ERROR
dctn-sd: ../../stored/spool.c:140 Bad return from despool WroteVol=0
dctn-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:194 Enter wchar_win32_path
dctn-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:378 Leave wchar_win32_path=\
dctn-sd: ../../stored/spool.c:203 Deleted spool file: 
dctn-sd: ../../stored/acquire.c:455 release_device device "DLT-Drive" (Tape0) 
is tape
dctn-sd: ../../stored/acquire.c:477 There are 0 writers in release_device
dctn-sd: ../../stored/acquire.c:479 dir_create_jobmedia_record. Release
dctn-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:194 Enter wchar_win32_path
dctn-sd: ../compat/compat.cpp:378 Leave wchar_win32_path=\
dctn-sd: ../../stored/append.c:340 return from do_append_data() ok=1
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