> > Thinking out loud about how to implement this: would you consider a
> > directive that specified a script to be run whenever a Bacula component
> > needed to open or reference the config file that would supply the name
> > of a file to read for the information? The idea would be similar to the
> > pre-run script for the FD, but applied to the Bacula daemons, and
> > invoked as part of the read-config-file step.
> If I understand it correctly, it seems to me that  your request is already 
> covered by Jorj's Feature request/patch.  See below.
> Since he has implemented it as an enhancement of the conf file specification 
> at the lexically scanner level, it will apply to *all* Bacula components that 
> accept the -c option, which is every component (or tool) that needs a conf 
> file.

Yes, that's exactly what the patch does, and why I patched it where I did.

-- Jorj

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