
On 6/6/2007 10:38 PM, Frank Sweetser wrote:
> Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>> http://bugs.splitbrain.org/?do=details&task_id=781
>> Here's a bug requesting voting in DokuWiki and someone posting two
>> plugins that do the trick. What do we think?
> Unfortunately, both of those two plugins are a little too simple IMHO.
> The poll plugin (and closely related userpoll) just allow you to pick a single
> item from a simple list.
> The doodle one is closer, but a) doesn't look like the UI would scale all that
> well for 50 options, and b) just allows a simple yea or nay vote on each 
> option.
> Odds are that the doodle one could be modified to work, though.

That's what I thought, too... anyone experienced with wiki coding?

A related question: Can you set up the dokuwiki s that certain pages can 
not be modified by everybody, but can still contain these voting thingies?


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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