Michael Nelson wrote:
> Brian Debelius wrote:
>> Why does bacula ask for a slot number to mount, when I mount my VXA 
>> autochanger?  It seems to me, that bacula should load whatever tape 
>> it feels appropriate automatically when the autochanger is loaded.  I 
>> usually just pick some random number to load, assuming that bacula 
>> will (it alwasy seems to) unload and load the correct tape when the 
>> scheduled jobs run.
> Haha!  Do you ever guess right?  I never do.  Whatever slot I pick, it 
> has to unload it and load a different one when the first job runs. ;-)
No, I never pick the right one.  Nor do I try.  I don;t want to have to 
think about it.  I want Bacula to do the work :)

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