
I'm still in the process of setting up verify jobs for my backups. One
job gives me a verify error and I don't know why.

Job {
  Name = VerifySMTCZB0003
  Type = Verify
  Level = VolumeToCatalog
  Verify Job = SMTCZB0003
  FileSet = SMTCZB0003
  Schedule = "Verify Regular Backup"
  Client= SMTCZB0003
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Storage = NEC-T40A
  Priority = 6 

the backup job:

20-Jul 00:05 VU0EM005: BeforeJob: run command [stop database and MKS service]
20-Jul 00:07 VU0EM005: BeforeJob: Starte MKS...
20-Jul 00:07 VU0EM005: Start Backup JobId 336, 
20-Jul 00:07 VU0EM005: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" command.
20-Jul 00:07 VU0EM005: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is Slot 2.
20-Jul 00:07 VU0EM005: Volume "06D121L3" previously written, moving to end of 
20-Jul 00:08 VU0EM005: Ready to append to end of Volume "06D121L3" at file=11.
20-Jul 00:08 VU0EM005: Spooling data ...
SMTCZB0003-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into 
SMTCZB0003-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /dev
SMTCZB0003-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /sys
SMTCZB0003-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /boot
20-Jul 00:10 VU0EM005: Job write elapsed time = 00:02:03, Transfer rate = 4.046 
M bytes/second
20-Jul 00:10 VU0EM005: Committing spooled data to Volume "06D121L3". Despooling 
498,293,625 bytes ...
20-Jul 00:10 VU0EM005: Despooling elapsed time = 00:00:04, Transfer rate = 
124.5 M bytes/second
20-Jul 00:10 VU0EM005: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. Despooling 
674,115 bytes ...
20-Jul 00:10 VU0EM005: AfterJob: run command "start database and MKS service]
20-Jul 00:10 VU0EM005: Bacula 2.0.3 (06Mar07): 20-Jul-2007 00:10:35
  JobId:                  336
  Job:                    SMTCZB0003.2007-07-20_00.05.00
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2007-07-19 00:07:06
  Client:                 "SMTCZB0003" i686-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,Enterprise 
  FileSet:                "SMTCZB0003" 2007-02-20 22:25:00
  Pool:                   "Incremental" (From Run pool override)
  Storage:                "NEC-T40A" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         20-Jul-2007 00:05:00
  Start time:             20-Jul-2007 00:07:07
  End time:               20-Jul-2007 00:10:35
  Elapsed time:           3 mins 28 secs
  Priority:               5
  FD Files Written:       2,097
  SD Files Written:       2,097
  FD Bytes Written:       497,380,068 (497.3 MB)
  SD Bytes Written:       497,777,811 (497.7 MB)
  Rate:                   2391.3 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Volume name(s):         06D121L3
  Volume Session Id:      27
  Volume Session Time:    1184053226

the verify job (the choosen jobid to run the verify job is ok!):

20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005: Verifying against JobId=336 
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005: Bootstrap records written to 
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005:
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005: The job will require the following
   Volume(s)                 Storage(s)                SD Device(s)
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005:
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005:    06D121L3                  NEC-T40A                  
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005:
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005: Start Verify JobId=341 Level=VolumeToCatalog 
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005: Ready to read from volume "06D121L3" on device "LTO3" 
20-Jul 09:04 VU0EM005: Forward spacing Volume "06D121L3" to file:block 11:0.
20-Jul 09:05 VU0EM005: File: /var/run/utmp
20-Jul 09:05 VU0EM005:       MD5 digest not same. File=x8/Fr4dxz++2Un+ec+0R4B 
20-Jul 09:05 VU0EM005: File: /var/cache/man/whatis
20-Jul 09:05 VU0EM005:       MD5 digest not same. File=2/t8c8wWkk+x16/778/4zD 
20-Jul 09:05 VU0EM005: File: [...]Objektschnittstelle.vpj/vp0014.pj
20-Jul 09:05 VU0EM005:       MD5 digest not same. File=55lQOkRPrCdK86N6kz+neC 
20-Jul 09:05 VU0EM005: File: [...]Objektschnittstelle.vpj/vp0014.trn
20-Jul 09:05 VU0EM005:       MD5 digest not same. File=S6+E2+pik9+X52+jJ//fmC 
[several hundred lines more]

So I did a restore of some of the files with different checksumms and compared
the restored files with the source files.

original files:
e799503a444fac274af3a37a9332a77a  vp0014.pj
48a684d8ea6291dc97e76aa327f1df9a  vp0014.trn

restored files:
e799503a444fac274af3a37a9332a77a  /tmp/[...]/vp0014.pj
48a684d8ea6291dc97e76aa327f1df9a  /tmp/[...]/vp0014.trn

The md5sums are identical.

Any ideas what I'm missing? I've a second verify job of an other client which
is not showing any differences.  


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