
Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 12:15:37 AM:

DL> Someone sugested you verify your filesystem (e.g. fsck).  Have you 
DL> done that?


>>>FS> The first thing that I would try is unmounting the filesystem and 
>>>performing a
>>>FS> full fsck on it, to rule out filesystem corruption.

1. unmounted and checked the partition with volumes for bad blocks and
fs problems:
   fsck.ext3 -n -c -v /dev/....
Got NO errors.

2. for the volumes used by the jobs with problems, I did the following:
   bls -k -v /home/bacula/FILE0001
and got NO errors (I'm not sure if there is something wrong with the
volume the above should produce errors, but it listed all blocks and they
were OK)

3. same for:
   bls -j /home/bacula/FILE0001

!NEW: Here is one additional error and note:

I mentioned that if the file that is restored with a wrong size during
a full backup is OK when restored alone. However in that case another
error is reported:

Storage: Restore_b0.d6.int.2007-07-23_22.57.42 Error: block.c:275 Volume data 
error at 0:3999743252!
Wanted ID: "BB02", got "Иnлу". Buffer discarded.

Note tha this error didn't affected the file restore - it was OK -
size and its content.

After we verified above everything and the volumes have correct
blocks, this error is trange. Does this means that Bacula is
positioning at a wrong place rather there is a problem with the volume

I reported that once and now (different jobs and version of Bacula -
before it was 2.0.3, now 2.1.28) it is the same.

The strange thing is (as before):
- we listed all blocks in the volumes with bls -k
- there is no such File:blk as 0:3999743252
- the number 3999743252 however appears in the database, one entry in
the table JobMedia:

While I don't know for what it is used, I can see that:
- either this number in the database is wrong
- either Bacula should not try to position at that number as there is
no valid File:blk at that address.


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