On 2007.08.23. 14:51, Angel Mieres wrote:
> I will try to answer all things that you said friends.
> - I don't use compression method to do a backup.
> - The database is postgres and during backup isn't taking all CPU or 
> memory, only a 10% CPU. Process like bacula-fd/sd/dir exactly the same.

what about io-based database load ?
how high are iowait values during the backup ?

> - Im not backing up to a tape, the two backups are from:
>     - /usr to a volume file stored on /tmp  (~70000 files, 2Gb)
>     - /root to a volume file stored on /tmp ( ~100 files, 1,5Gb)
> - The way to "tar" or "gzip" the files is not possible, i need stimate 
> to need a backup from 15 diferent servers and this could be crazy.
> Thanks to all.

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