Hello all,

I have continued my intense reading through the mostly excellent Bacula
User's Guide and found on page 170 (Chapter 11: Configuring the Director)
the section about the Priority Directive:

Priority = <number> The number specifies the priority of this client
relative to other clients that the Director is processing simultaneously.
The priority can range from 1 to 1000. The clients are ordered such
that the smaller number priorities are performed first (not currently

The last sentence says with parentheses "(not currently implemented)".

So,  am curious, if the Clients are not ordered because this ordering is not
implemented, then how does the Priority Directive work for Clients, if it
works at all for Clients? Should the Priority Directive be ignored for
Client resources?

Note: I did notice that the sample Bacula Director configuration file (
bacula-dir.conf) which is created during configure / make install, does
provide a Priority Directive value (10 and 11) for example DefaultJob and
Catalog Backup Jobs but I also understand from the User's Guide that the
context for the Priority Directive is different for these resources compared
to the Client resource.

This inconsistency at first-glance (of Priority Directive for Client
resources not currently implemented, being different in behavior than for
DefaultJob and BackupCatalog Job) is a little bit confusing but
understandable that the context is different for different types of

Thanks for any clarifications / insights regarding the Client resource
Priority Directive.
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