BackupPC doesn't, as far as I know, do bare metal restores.  It's pretty 
much just for backing data, and on Windows boxes, backing unlocked (or 
closed) data files.  You can install cygwin on Windows and use rsync 
through that....doesn't have to be SMB to back Windows.

As far as I can tell, Bacula does a lot more than BackupPC does, but 
what BackupPC does, it does well.  And when considering disk-to-disk 
backups, "pooling" or "deduplication" is almost a must unless you're 
backing up very specific data that you know for the most part won't be 
duplicated.  Disk space is hard-limited, unlike tape space which is just 
sanity-limited.  If I all of a sudden need to back up another 500 GB of 
data with a tape backup, I can run out and purchase a couple LTO4 
tapes.  If I want to back that up to disk, without pooling, I need to 
add 1 TB to 1.5 TB of disk space, depending on rotation...not trivial if 
you haven't already planned for it in your chassis, SAN, etc.

Anyway, if Bacula were to put some time in on deduplication (there's a 
follow up post on the same subject with what might need to happen), it 
would put it in the up and coming market of d2d2t.


Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
> Bill Moran wrote:
>> In response to Chris Hoogendyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> Christopher Derr wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> We're thinking of using Bacula as our disk-to-disk solution for backing 
>>>> user and research data.  I'm still reading up on it, but I haven't found 
>>>> the answer to the following question.
>>>> Called pooling in BackupPC and deduplication by industry, I've been 
>>>> trying to find out if Bacula has it.  A search of the site for either 
>>>> word brings up nothing relevant.  Does the current version of Bacula 
>>>> have the ability to store backups of the same file as one file with links?
>>>> For example:  If Bob and Joan both have the exact same 2 MB PDF in their 
>>>> home directory, a normal backup would store it twice for a total of 4 
>>>> MB.  What deduplication does, is store the file once in a central 
>>>> location, and then store links from the individual backups to the file.  
>>>> If 100 people have this same file, rather than taking up 200 MB of 
>>>> space, it still only takes up 2 MB.  Unique, I believe, to disk-to-disk 
>>>> backups.
>>> Nope.
>>> I'm not aware of any open source backup software that does that. Amanda 
>>> doesn't do it either. It's non-trivial and has been discussed on the 
>>> Bacula list a couple of times. Not sure what the key word would be to 
>>> search for it.
>> BackupPC does it:
>> But their architecture was designed from the ground up to support it.
> Ok, I guess there is an open source solution that does deduplication.
> However, if you check out their site and their FAQ entry on 
> "limitations" (, I 
> don't think I would ever try to rely on them. They just aren't ready for 
> prime time yet. They only backup a Windows PC through samba, cannot get 
> acl's, cannot get locked files, and cannot be used to recover. You have 
> to recover the PC with some other tool and then recover user files with 
> BackupPC. Their FAQ presumes that linux backups with tar ought to be 
> recoverable, but "I haven't tried it." Excuse me? It's a mantra for 
> users of backup software to always try a recovery to prove to themselves 
> that their backup software is working. And yet here we have the home 
> site of the software, in the FAQ, saying "I haven't tried it."
> They don't do tapes, and, in spite of deduplication (which they call 
> pooling), they can't deal with deletions or moving files from one 
> directory to another. So their "clever pooling scheme" doesn't solve 
> enough of the issues to make their software a compelling alternative, or 
> even a possible alternative, except for maybe a home user who only wants 
> personal files backed up to another disk drive.
> Sorry for the rant. It's just that I'd never taken a look through their 
> web site before. I've frequently seen comments on 
> offering BackupPC as a solution to people who ask about backing up. I 
> just hadn't paid much attention one way or the other. I'm sure there's a 
> place for them, but it's not in the enterprise for the foreseeable future.
> ---------------
> Chris Hoogendyk
> -
>    O__  ---- Systems Administrator
>   c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
>  (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
> ~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
> --------------- 
> Erdös 4
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> Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
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Christopher Derr . IT Manager
Dept of Land, Air, & Water Resources (LAWR)
University of California, Davis
O: 530-752-2148 . E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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