I strongly believe the problem is (again) the sparc processor....
I have a story on previous sparc processor being too slow for high number of 
I thought this new multi-core T1 architecture would be different.
But, at last, each core is running at 1Ghz...and I don't think bacula can 
benefit from the multicores...a part from the fact that dir / fd / sd and mysql 
are running on separate cores....
Tomorrow will tell....
Gabriele Bulfon - Sonicle S.r.l.
Tel +39 028246016 Int. 30 - Fax +39 028243880
Via Felice Cavallotti 16 - 20089, Rozzano - Milano - ITALY
John Drescher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gabriele Bulfon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
bacula-users <Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
4 ottobre 2007 17.26.12 CEST
Re: [Bacula-users] Fwd: Silly question on Incremental backups
- It's an 8 jobs backup
Are you running them concurrently? Are they on different machines?
- I have hardware compression on the device, no need for software compression
That is good. Enabling software compression will slow your backups down.
- The device is a Quantum LTO2 Scsi attached to the T2000
- The T2000 and every other bacula client are on the same gigabit LAN
- The director and the db used to be on the same machine (T2000), but to see if 
the bottleneck was the db (I already had bad experience running the db on 
previous Sparc architectures) I moved it on the v40 that is a VERY fast machine.
Spooling can and does help with database performance problems. You may want to 
try enabling it.
Tomorrow I'll experiment moving the director on the v40 too (now that the 
director can be run on windows) and leave just the SD on the T2000.
I  have my director, database and storage on 3 different 64 bit gentoo linux 
boxes. None of these machines were bought to run bacula alone as they run other 
key system tasks. The director and storage are on dual processor 2GHz Opteron 
246s with 4GB of memory and the postgres database is on an Athlon64 3200 with 
2GB of memory. On full backups to my LTO2 changer I get 10 to 25MB/s from most 
of my gigabit connected servers. I use spooling and concurrency.
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