i have also a second machine thats act as storage-daemon, to build only fd and 
sd i do something like:

./configure --enable-client-only
make install

and now the sd:

cd src/cats
cd ../lib
cd ../stored

cp src/stored/bacula-sd /sbin

thats all.

second way:

search for these lines in the configure-script:

if test "x${db_type}" = "xInternal" ; then
   echo " "
   echo " "
   echo "You have not specified either --enable-client-only or one of the"
   echo "  supported databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 or SQLite."
   echo "  This is not permitted. Please reconfigure."
   echo " "
   echo "Aborting the configuration ..."
   echo " "
   echo " "
   exit 1

simply delete the line with the "exit 1" or change it to "# exit 1"

after that you can configure with

./configure --disable-build-dird

this gives you:

  client-only:                no
  build-dird:                 no
  build-stored:               yes

make && make install


Best Regards


Janco van der Merwe schrieb:
> I know it's actually incredible but is there a way of only compiling the
> SD and FD binaries, reason why I'm asking is that in order to get the SD
> installed I had to compile the entire Bacula which meant installing a
> DB, not that its that big of an issue I was just wondering if there is
> way or an option like --with-storage-only?
> But Bacula is the best written Software I have ever had the pleasure of
> working with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 09:45 +0300, Silver Salonen wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have. Works nicely.
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