My apologies if this has a simple solution, but I couldn't find anything
with a (quick) search:

I've been running bacula 1.38.x for quite awhile and it's been
very nice, except for the massive amount of time the database
attr spooling takes - mine is huge due to the tremendous number of
files my users create with their data.  My 1.38 setup was packaged and
built against sqlite (2.8?) and I decided to upgrade bacula and switch
to sqlite3.  So I built bacula-2.2.4 enabling sqlite3, used the
upgrade sqlite script to go from 9 to 10, dumped the sqlite database,
imported that into sqlite3 and setup to run the new bacula.  The database
seems OK and so I went to test by doing a restore.  Well, the restore 
seems to have located the file on the tape, but couldn't write into
the scratch area I setup to dump it into.  My packaged 1.38 bacula
setup was configured to run as user bacula, group bacula and so I
ran my new daemons also as user bacula, group bacula.  I haven't had any
restore issues with the 1.38 setup, generally I restore into scratch
areas and all ownership, permissions have come back OK.

I'm running on linux - is there something I've missed building/configuring
my new 2.2.4 bacula daemons ?  The daemons aren't and weren't suid.

The messages were:

12-Oct 11:43 localhost-dir: Start Restore Job RestoreFiles.2007-10-12_11.43.51
12-Oct 11:43 localhost-dir: Using Device "Kecktape"
12-Oct 11:43 localhost-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0"
12-Oct 11:43 localhost-sd: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result:
          nothing loaded.
12-Oct 11:43 localhost-sd: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 3, drive 0"
12-Oct 11:44 localhost-sd: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 3, drive 0", status
          is OK.
12-Oct 11:44 localhost-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0"
12-Oct 11:44 localhost-sd: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result is
          Slot 3.
12-Oct 11:44 localhost-sd: Ready to read from volume "Keck-033" on device
          "Kecktape" (/dev/nst0).
12-Oct 11:44 localhost-sd: Forward spacing Volume "Keck-033" to file:block
12-Oct 11:45 localhost-fd: RestoreFiles.2007-10-12_11.43.51 Error: Cannot
          create directory /webdav/tmp/var: ERR=Permission denied
12-Oct 11:45 localhost-sd: End of Volume at file 410 on device "Kecktape"
          (/dev/nst0), Volume "Keck-033"
12-Oct 11:45 localhost-sd: End of all volumes.
12-Oct 11:45 localhost-dir: RestoreFiles.2007-10-12_11.43.51 Error: Bacula
          localhost-dir 2.2.4 (14Sep07): 12-Oct-2007 11:45:02
   Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu mandrake (Official)
   JobId:                  1977
   Job:                    RestoreFiles.2007-10-12_11.43.51
   Restore Client:         localhost-fd

Thanks for any help,


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