On 10/12/07, Ivan Adzhubey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Got my new AIT5 tape drive delivered today, did a firmware upgrade of the
> autochanger and installed it alongside with the old AIT3 one. All btape tests
> on the new drive completed with flying colors. Now I need advice on how to
> configure Bacula for two drives which use different (and incompatible) types
> of media in the same autochanger. Documentation is not very clear about it
> and apparently no one actually tested such setup but it seems to be possible.
> Documentation states: "The MediaType specified in the Director's Storage
> resource,  must correspond to the Media Type specified in the Device
> resource of the Storage daemon configuration file". But what if I have two
> Devices configured in SD file with different MediaTypes? Do I need a second
> Storage resource in DIR config file pointing to the same Autochanger resource
> in SD config, but with the different MediaType? Will it work this way?
Although I do not have the same situation (incompatible drives) but I
do have a two drive changer and for 6 months I used the drives
directly instead of specifying the autochanger device in my jobs. So
this is what I would do:

Specify the Media Type independently for each device and then add
Storage resources for both devices (in addition to the autochanger) to
the bacula-dir.conf file. Then have your backups go to the individual
drives and not the changer.


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