Hi List

After a 2.2.5 rebuild I have a scenario where I am recycling tapes using 
a weekly cycle and pools for each day with more than one tape in the 
weekend pool. The problem I'm experiencing is that even using Volume 
Retention = 6 days in pool Def. my tapes are filling up, the tapes are 
always in status append after a job finishes. I have set the jobs to run 
a FULL backup in all cases at the moment until I have this configuration 
working. This is my first full build as I have only been administering 
bacula until now. I may have inherited some configuration errors, I have 
also been through the manual in some detail.

* Should the tapes not be set to recycle and if so how do I ensure this?
* Why, even with the recycle option set, do the tapes try to append to 
the previous run rather than start fresh, at the beginning of the tape, 
each time the tape is used?
* Why does bacula want to relabel a tape when I already have a mounted 
labelled tape in the drive? **
* I feel I have missed a crucial point regarding full backups, 
recycling, retention periods and how this relates to the catalogue.

**see error below

here is an extract from my bacula-dir.conf to help explain (the files 
set works so I have not included this def.) ...

Director {
Name = backup-dir
DIRport = 9101
QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql"
WorkingDirectory = "/var/bacula/working"
PidDirectory = "/var/run"
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
Password = "******"
Messages = Daemon
Job {
Name = "holly"
Type = Backup
Level = Full Client = holly
FileSet = "holly"
Storage = LTO-2
Pool = Default
RunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/runbefore.sh"
Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/holly.bsr"
Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
Messages = Standard
Priority = 7
Max Start Delay = 22h
Max Run Time = 40m
Pool {
Name = Wednesday
Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes                     
AutoPrune = yes                   
Volume Retention = 6 days        }

I have a another issue on this list which is still unresolved as I am 
waiting for Gdb to pick up a re - occurrence of this separate error. 
This error has caused the problem above to be exasperated as bacula 
occasionally did not finish the last file of a job, which has cause 
bacula not to accept a tape for append as the last run of a job is a 
mis-match to the catalogue record, i.e. 201 files recorded in the 
catalogue and 200 on the tape.

I have this error message:-

05-Dec 10:13 backup-sd JobId 150: Error: Bacula cannot write on tape Volume
"Tuesday1" because:
The number of files mismatch! Volume=201 Catalog=200
05-Dec 10:13 backup-sd JobId 150: Marking Volume "Tuesday1" in Error in
05-Dec 10:13 backup-sd JobId 150: Job pleiades.2007-12-05_10.12.07 waiting.
Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      "LTO-2" (/dev/nst0)
    Pool:         Tuesday
    Media type:   LTO-2

I really need to fix this new issue before I continue with the old issue 
as I don't care if the job starts over on an existing tape in the pool 
with a full backup from the beginning of a tape.

Any help will be gratefully received,

Damian Brasher

Damian Brasher
Systems Admin/Prog
Southampton University

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