Hash: SHA1

You've never showed a fileset. I think folks often screw up the fileset
for Windows.

Masopust, Christian wrote:
>>> I've a very urgent problem.  One of my Win2k3-Servers has 
>> some disks mounted
>>> to local directories (without a drive-letter).
>>> Since some days I'm no longer able to backup the mounted disks!
>>> To be clear:  first disk is mounted at "D:\" (files direct 
>> on D: and on 
>>> it's subdirectories
>>> can be backed up). second disk is mounted at "D:\abcd" and 
>> no file or 
>>> directory on
>>> this disk will be backed up! Permissions are the same for 
>> all directories...
>>> I've tried all WinBacula versions from 2.2.4 up to 2.2.7.
>>> any idea what happens?
>> Please note: I have dropped bacula-devel from the CC: list.  I see no 
>> reason to involve that list for now.
>> Do you see any error or warning messages during this job?
>> The first thing that comes to mind is multiple file systems.  
>> The onefs 
>> directive takes care of that.
> Hello Dan,
> there is no warning message during backup, and I also tried to manually
> set onefs to yes and no... no change...
> attached I'l send the messages from one of these backups.
> christian
> *mes
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: Start Backup JobId 49234, 
> Job=atpcc72c-data.2008-01-08_18.15.20
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: Using Device "Testfeld-FileStore"
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-sd JobId 49234: Volume "TestfeldPool-0022" previously 
> written, moving to end of data.
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-sd JobId 49234: Ready to append to end of Volume 
> "TestfeldPool-0022" size=31261330981
> 08-Jan 18:23 atpcc72c-fd: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="VSS Win 2003", 
> Drive(s)="D"
> 08-Jan 18:23 atpcc72c-fd: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "System Writer", 
> State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-sd JobId 49234: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:13, 
> Transfer rate = 402.2 K bytes/second
> 08-Jan 18:23 atpcc72c-fd: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Event Log Writer", 
> State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Jan 18:23 atpcc72c-fd: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Registry Writer", 
> State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Jan 18:23 atpcc72c-fd: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "MSDEWriter", State: 
> 08-Jan 18:23 atpcc72c-fd: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "COM+ REGDB Writer", 
> State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
> 08-Jan 18:23 atpcc72c-fd: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "WMI Writer", State: 
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: Bacula atpcc7fc-dir 2.2.7 (24Dec07): 
> 08-Jan-2008 18:15:49
>   Build OS:               i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Zod)
>   JobId:                  49234
>   Job:                    atpcc72c-data.2008-01-08_18.15.20
>   Backup Level:           Full
>   Client:                 "atpcc72c-fd" 2.2.4 (12Sep07) 
> Linux,Cross-compile,Win32
>   FileSet:                "atpcc72c-data" 2006-01-24 03:08:10
>   Pool:                   "TestfeldPool" (From Job resource)
>   Storage:                "Testfeld" (From Job resource)
>   Scheduled time:         08-Jan-2008 18:15:28
>   Start time:             08-Jan-2008 18:15:36
>   End time:               08-Jan-2008 18:15:49
>   Elapsed time:           13 secs
>   Priority:               5
>   FD Files Written:       37
>   SD Files Written:       37
>   FD Bytes Written:       5,222,782 (5.222 MB)
>   SD Bytes Written:       5,228,603 (5.228 MB)
>   Rate:                   401.8 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   VSS:                    yes
>   Encryption:             no
>   Volume name(s):         TestfeldPool-0022
>   Volume Session Id:      8
>   Volume Session Time:    1199805694
>   Last Volume Bytes:      31,266,564,964 (31.26 GB)
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  OK
>   SD termination status:  OK
>   Termination:            Backup OK
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: Begin pruning Jobs.
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: No Jobs found to prune.
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: Begin pruning Files.
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: No Files found to prune.
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: End auto prune.
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: AfterJob: run command 
> "/opt/bacula/sbin/global-postprocessing atpcc72c-fd atpcc72c-data Backup 
> 49234 Full OK"
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: AfterJob: 1 data packet(s) sent to 
> host successfully.
> 08-Jan 18:15 atpcc7fc-dir JobId 49234: AfterJob: BSR-File for job 
> atpcc72c-data copied!
> *
> corresponding fileset in config:
> FileSet {
>   Name = "atpcc72c-data"
>   Enable VSS = yes
>   Include {
>     Options {
>       signature = MD5
>     }
>     File = "D:/"
>   }
> }
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer II
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