Oops hello to everyone and especially Piero Giobbi, I must be dreaming or
having a temporary lapse of amnesia. Of course the Storage Daemon has an
Archive Device directive (it has been a while since I looked at Bacula
configuration files so I forgot about it).

So, I just added "/tmp" to the Archive Device directive in the Storage
Daemon configuration file, and great news --> Bacula 2.2.8 daemons
(Director, Storage, File) are all running on Leopard Server 10.5.1

Even though you have MySQL running on your Leopard system, please let me
know if I can provide some tips / suggestions for how to get Bacula
2.2.8running on your system. Glancing at your output from the error
encountered, it looks to be for sure some problem related to when you ran
./configure (when specifying the configuration arguments required for
building against MySQL). Take a look at libsql in your make output -- I bet
you'll find some errors there. For example, I don't have MySQL or sqlite on
my system, so I got these complaints when running make:

Making libsql.a ...
> /usr/bin/ar rc  libsql.a mysql.o bdb.o bdb_create.o bdb_get.o bdb_update.o
> bdb_delete.o bdb_find.o bdb_list.o sql.o sql_cmds.o sql_create.o
> sql_delete.o sql_find.o sql_get.o sql_list.o sql_update.o sqlite.o
> postgresql.o
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(mysql.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_create.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_get.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_update.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_delete.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_find.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_list.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(sqlite.o) has no symbols
> ranlib libsql.a
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(mysql.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_create.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_get.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_update.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_delete.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_find.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(bdb_list.o) has no symbols
> ranlib: file: libsql.a(sqlite.o) has no symbols
> ==== Make of cats is good ====

When I made Bacula 2.2.3 on Tiger Server 10.4.10 against PostgreSQL 8.1.9, I
didn't have these ranlib "no symbols" results. So something has changed.

By the way, I have just about all of my dependencies for Bacula installed as
MacPorts. Do you use MacPorts for installing MySQL?



On 2/1/08, Hydro Meteor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Piero,
> This is a difficult one to diagnose because it depends on how you
> configured Bacula on your system with Leopard and MySQL. Moments ago, I just
> ran configure, make and make install with Bacula 2.2.8 on Mac OS X Server
> 10.5.1 (Leopard Server) and I am using PostgreSQL, not MySQL. I had no
> problems getting the File and Director daemons to run on Leopard Server
> 10.5.1 but the Storage Daemon gave me an error because I didn't assign an
> Archive Device in the storage daemon configuration file, as in:
> Device {
> >   Name = FileStorage
> >   Media Type = File
> >   Archive Device =
> >   LabelMedia = yes;                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled
> > media
> >   Random Access = Yes;
> >   AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
> >   RemovableMedia = no;
> >   AlwaysOpen = no;
> > }
> >
> So when I ran the bacula start script, I got:
> Starting the Bacula Storage daemon
> > 01-Feb 10:29 bacula-sd: ERROR TERMINATION at lex.c:735
> > Config error: expected a name, got T_EOL: =
> >             : line 48, col 20 of file /opt/local/etc/bacula/bacula-
> > sd.conf
> >   Archive Device =
> >
> > Starting the Bacula File daemon
> > Starting the Bacula Director daemon
> >
> Hmm ... it amazing how much has changed from Bacula 2.2.3 to 2.2.8 because
> I have never heard of the Archive Device directive yet. Ugh! This means I
> need to read more documentation but I am guessing its for the better. I will
> for now comment out this line until I know more about it. Nonetheless, the
> good news is that I can tell you with certainty that Bacula compiles and
> runs on Leopard Server 10.5.1 and so I would guess also Leopard
> (non-Server) 10.5.1
> I am about to do some testing with Leopard's Access Control Lists (ACLs)
> with Bacula to see if files that have ACLs can be backed up and restored
> perfectly.
> Cheers,
> Hydro
> On 1/27/08, Piero Giobbi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all.
> >
> > Just compiled latest bacula with Leopard and latest Mysql, the build
> went
> > well. Now when i configured all up and starting up bacula i get this
> error:
> >
> >
> > sh-3.2# /usr/local/bacula/bin/bacula start
> > Starting the Bacula Storage daemon
> > Starting the Bacula File daemon
> > Starting the Bacula Director daemon
> > dyld: Library not loaded:
> > /usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.15.dylib
> >   Referenced from: /usr/local/bacula/bin/bacula-dir
> >   Reason: image not found
> > /usr/local/bacula/bin/bacula-ctl-dir: line 197: 42268
> > Trace/BPT trap          ${BACDIRBIN}/bacula-dir $2 ${OPTIONS} -v -c
> > ${BACDIRCFG}/bacula-dir.conf
> > Anyone know whats wrong?
> >
> > thx.
> >
> > p
> >
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