> : It does....I successfully wrote to the tape this morning. Now I'm
> trying
> : to get the barcode/label business going.
> So did it really change the tapes, or just wrote to the tape?
> Tape drive and tape changer are different scsi devices.

Well that's exactly what I'm tyring to figure out :) the btape full
multitape test completed successfully. But this morning's "real" test
terminated (and I received no email from bacula). So I figured perhaps
the problem is/was changing of tapes (hence starting over and attempting
to use the barcode labels)...

*status dir
lewis-dir Version: 2.2.8 (26 January 2008) i386-portbld-freebsd6.3
freebsd 6.3-STABLE
Daemon started 01-Feb-08 09:57, 0 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=524,288 smbytes=41,253 max_bytes=85,881 bufs=209

Scheduled Jobs:
Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name
Incremental    Backup    10  02-Feb-08 01:05    mustang.itos.uga.edu

Running Jobs:
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
     1 Full    mustang.itos.uga.edu.2008-02-01_09.57.03 has terminated

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name 
     1  Full          0         0   OK       29-Jan-08 15:09 Client1
     2  Full          0         0   OK       29-Jan-08 15:12 Client1
     1  Full          0         0   OK       29-Jan-08 15:25 Client1
     1  Full          0         0   Cancel   31-Jan-08 15:37
     2  Full          0         0   Cancel   31-Jan-08 15:42
     1  Full          0         0   Cancel   31-Jan-08 15:58
     2  Full          0         0   Error    01-Feb-08 06:05
     1  Full          0         0   Cancel   01-Feb-08 08:43
     2  Full         10    15.27 G  Other    01-Feb-08 09:48
     3  Full          0         0   Cancel   01-Feb-08 09:51

You have messages.
01-Feb 12:04 lewis-sd JobId 1: Job write elapsed time = 02:05:50,
Transfer rate = 22.88 M bytes/second
01-Feb 12:04 lewis-sd JobId 1: Committing spooled data to Volume
"mustang_test01". Despooling 172,938,885,831 bytes ...
You have no messages.
*status storage
Automatically selected Storage: Drive-1
Connecting to Storage daemon Drive-1 at lewis.itos.uga.edu:9103

lewis-sd Version: 2.2.8 (26 January 2008) i386-portbld-freebsd6.3
freebsd 6.3-STABLE
Daemon started 01-Feb-08 09:57, 0 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=487,424 smbytes=222,136 max_bytes=251,114 bufs=121
Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=4 int32_t=4 int64_t=8

Running Jobs:
Writing: Full Backup job mustang.itos.uga.edu JobId=1
    pool="Default" device="Drive-1" (/dev/nsa0)
    spooling=0 despooling=1 despool_wait=0
    Files=95 Bytes=172,778,600,467 Bytes/sec=13,254,975
    FDReadSeqNo=2,637,133 in_msg=2636865 out_msg=9 fd=7

Jobs waiting to reserve a drive:

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name 
     1  Full          0         0   Cancel   31-Jan-08 15:37
     2  Full          0         0   Cancel   31-Jan-08 15:42
     1  Full          0         0   Cancel   31-Jan-08 15:58
     2  Full          0         0   Other    01-Feb-08 01:35
     2  Full          0         0   Other    01-Feb-08 03:05
     2  Full          0         0   Other    01-Feb-08 04:35
     2  Full          0         0   Other    01-Feb-08 06:05
     1  Full          0         0   Cancel   01-Feb-08 08:43
     2  Full         10    15.27 G  Error    01-Feb-08 09:48
     4  Full          0         0   Cancel   01-Feb-08 09:56

Device status:
Autochanger "Autochanger" with devices:
   "Drive-1" (/dev/nsa0)
Device "Drive-1" (/dev/nsa0) is mounted with:
    Volume:      mustang_test01
    Pool:        Default
    Media type:  LTO3
    Drive 0 status unknown.
    Total Bytes=98,797,934,592 Blocks=1,531,465 Bytes/block=64,512
    Positioned at File=98 Block=12,466

In Use Volume status:
mustang_test01 on device "Drive-1" (/dev/nsa0)
    Reader=0 writers=1 reserved=0 released=0

Data spooling: 1 active jobs, 172,938,885,831 bytes; 0 total jobs,
172,938,885,831 max bytes/job.
Attr spooling: 1 active jobs, 0 bytes; 0 total jobs, 0 max bytes.

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