
08.02.2008 22:20, Philipp Geschke wrote:
> Arno Lehmann schrieb:
>> Hi,
> Hi :)
> Thanks for answering!
>> Ok, just to make sure I understand correctly: You back up to file volumes?
> Exactly. Diskspace is getting way too cheap ;-)

Well... personally, I *like* tape, but I still see the advantages of 
having lots of fast and cheap disk space available.
>>> Now my question is, how would you accomplish this?
>> rsync.
> Feel's good to hear rsync twice, because this is what I suggested in
> first place, just felt "too simple".

I prefer simple solutions :-) I've got to be able to execute them even 
when under stress...


>>> Remarks? What do you think? Did I miss something? It doesn't sound great
>>> to me, but would work, as far as my (limited) knowledge goes.
>> Well, the source code, configuration files, and everything else you 
>> need to set up a new Bacula instance.
> A little embarrassing for me, but I am using Ubuntu's 2.0.3 packages, so
> no need for that :-(
> I was close to switching to source code, but in april I'll have 2.2.6
> with Ubuntu Hardy. So laziness wins, the packages are actually compiled
> very well.

I don't doubt that, but then make sure you've got all the needed 
packages for all the platforms you run in all the three sites - 
there'll come a day when you need to quickly set up a replacemtn 
Bacula system, and you'll only have a machine of a different 
architecture than what you usually use, and whatever version Ubunto 
offers has a new catalog schema or the packages are broken... we're 
talking paranoia :-)

>> I'd do it with one DIR, three SDs, and two standby/emergency DIRs with 
>> slave catalog DBs.
> Yes I'm really tempted to follow that advice. I'll have to look into
> some issues regarding the networking (sd + dir will be using RFC1918
> addresses, but the servers will be spread over different AS), but it
> still looks like the best solution to my problem.

Addressing *should* be quite straightforward in this case, but 
firewalling could be a problem. Network throughput will not be a 
serious problem, I suspect, because in the normal working situation, 
the data itself will remain in their sites. Database syncronization 
will need limited bandwidth, but the volume syncronization could 
become a real issue...

> I really have to thank you and Dan again!
> I was talking to a colleague of mine this afternoon, telling him I was
> going to ask the mailing list about this issue. And I told him about
> these two bacula experts that are extremely active on the list, from
> whom I hoped to receive an answer.
> You may guess who I was talking about ;-)

Thanks for the compliments - though I find myself a bit too busy with 
other stuff recently :-(


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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