Hello Dan!

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> aka Dan Langille  schrieb
mit Datum Fri, 08 Feb 2008 11:41:10 -0500 in m2n.bacula.users:

|Peter Much wrote:
|> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> aka Dan Langille  schrieb
|> mit Datum Fri, 08 Feb 2008 07:15:06 -0500 in m2n.bacula.users:
|> |Peter Much wrote:
|> |> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> aka John Drescher schrieb
|> |> mit Datum Thu, 7 Feb 2008 20:10:41 -0500 in m2n.bacula.users:

|> But all the ressources on the net say: if you change FFSF to 'yes'
|> on FreeBSD, then do also change eotmodel to 1.
|Does the Bacula doc say that?

Besides others, yes. (It refers to experience from Brian McDonald
and "several other people".)

|If not, what resources?  (he asked, hoping it wasn't his)

Don't worry.;) The reference talks about FreeBSD-4.1, which is
really backlevel by now. I run FreeBSD-5.5 currently, which is
also quite backlevel; so I am pondering if it would not be wiser
to go for an OS-upgrade *before* starting the testing&tuning
on the tapedrives.

|> |You are manually adjusting the Catalog?
|> Only during evaluation. Afterwards I create a daemon to do it.
|I meant manually as in 'Bacula is not doing it'.
|Adjustments to the Catalog outside Bacula is, umm, not recommended.

I think I understand: any such action that seems to work for 
now may break without notice after any Bacula upgrade. Right?

This is the reason why I do not eagerly describe my adjustment
actions (I have a couple in place already) - but, as I perceive
the climate here as friendly and supportive, so after I get
my concepts working, I might describe here what I am doing,
and then we may discuss if there are other ways to achieve
that, or if it might be worth a feature request.

|> I let all backup data be written onto *Files* storage pools on
|> a disk. 
|> And at a later time I run jobs with "Type=Migrate" - and they
|> copy the data to the tapes and delete it from the Files pools.
|Sounds pretty normal.  At least within Bacula.
|Now I know what you meant by "directly".

Good. :)
Now how do You call this kind of "asychronus-disk-Pool-buffered" 
strategy? So that we know what we are talking about?

|Of course, if you already know the cure, just bypass the above and post to 

Yes yes, I'm working on it... :)


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