> Okay then, seems you are looking for this most likely:
> Max Run Time = <time>
>     The time specifies the maximum allowed time that a job may run,
> counted from when the job starts, (not necessarily the same as when
> the job was scheduled). This directive is implemented in version 1.33
> and later.
> Max Wait Time = <time>
>     The time specifies the maximum allowed time that a job may block
> waiting for a resource (such as waiting for a tape to be mounted, or
> waiting for the storage or file daemons to perform their duties),
> counted from the when the job starts, (not necessarily the same as
> when the job was scheduled). This directive is implemented only in
> version 1.33 and later.

I'm thinking that this in combination with Max Wait Delay can be the
solution i'm looking for...

> But this isn't a guarantee that you jobs will get killed at 8:00 am
> or
> the like since the job could start at different times waiting on the
> previous jobs to finish, etc.

Max Wait Delay will take care of that (?)

> But then again, it's backups and how important is your data? I'd
> suggest just letting them run til complete. Unless backups impact
> your
> systems when users are using them. And if that's the case, perhaps
> you
> need to re-evaluate your systems as I never have any issues kicking
> off a backup while a system is being used.

Actually I'm installing a server for a company that has no IT support "inhouse"
Meaning that the solution I deliver will have to be durable, fault tolerant
and robust.

I will be telling them that when they forget to insert a tape, they run the
risk of losing there data. It is up to them how important there data is ;-)

Luckily they also have a backup between sites using "Dirvish".


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