Mark Maas ha scritto:
> Hi List,
> I was wondering how I could force cancelling of jobs after "x" hours 
> of scheduled time if they have not started yet.?
> What I also tried was the "Max Wait Time" option in my jobs, but it 
> seems it only starts counting from the start of the job, not from 
> start of scheduled time.
> "Max Start Delay" is also not completely what I was looking for, it 
> comes close, but only applies when other jobs are running. Not when 
> everything is waiting for a tape/volume to be inserted.
> So to summarize, I'd like to schedule a few jobs from 23:00. And have 
> them automaticly cancelled at 08:00 in the morning when they still do 
> not have a correct volume to backup to.
> When the operator simply forgot the tape, then the backup for that 
> night should simply be skipped. The period of time in which the backup 
> was possible has passed.
> Is this possible?
> Thanks,
> Mark
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You can try in this way:

- Add in Device {} resource:
  Maximum Open Wait = <time>

Enchanted Version:

- Add in Device {} resource:
  Alert Command = 'bsmtp ....'
  to send an e-mail to tape operator.

- Add in job {} resource:
  Reschedule On Error = yes
  Reschedule Interval = 2h
  Reschedule Times = 6

 From Manual:

Reschedule On Error = <yes/no>
If this directive is enabled, and the job terminates in error, the job 
will be rescheduled as determined by the
Reschedule Interval and Reschedule Times directives. If you cancel the 
job, it will not be rescheduled. The
default is no (i.e. the job will not be rescheduled).
This specification can be useful for portables, laptops, or other 
machines that are not always connected to the
network or switched on.

Reschedule Interval = <time−specification>
If you have specified Reschedule On Error = yes and the job terminates 
in error, it will be rescheduled after the
interval of time specified by time−specification. See the time 
specification formats in the Configure chapter for
details of time specifications. If no interval is specified, the job 
will not be rescheduled on error.

Reschedule Times = <count>
This directive specifies the maximum number of times to reschedule the 
job. If it is set to zero (the default) the
job will be rescheduled an indefinite number of times.

Maximum Open Wait = time
This directive specifies the maximum amount of time that Bacula will 
wait for a device that is busy. The
default is 5 minutes. If the device cannot be obtained, the current Job 
will be terminated in error. Bacula
will re−attempt to open the drive the next time a Job starts that needs 
the the drive.

Alert Command = name−string
The name−string specifies an external program to be called at the 
completion of each Job after the
device is released. The purpose of this command is to check for Tape 
Alerts, which are present when
something is wrong with your tape drive (at least for most modern tape 
drives). The same substitution
characters that may be specified in the Changer Command may also be used 
in this string. For more
information, please see the Autochangers chapter of this manual.
Note, it is not necessary to have an autochanger to use this command. 
The example below uses the
tapeinfo program that comes with the mtx package, but it can be used on 
any tape drive. However, you
will need to specify a Changer Device directive in your Device resource 
(see above) so that the generic
SCSI device name can be edited into the command (with the %c).
An example of the use of this command to print Tape Alerts in the Job 
report is:
Alert Command = "sh −c 'tapeinfo −f %c | grep TapeAlert'"

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
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