John Drescher wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:59 PM, Simone S.
> Santiago<> wrote:
>> Hey co-workers,
>> I wonder if it is possible improve the Bacula compression?
>> I am using "compression = GZIP" but sometimes it compress only 15% of
>> all volume.
>> Note: My backup is FILE Type.
> Try:
> compression=GZIP9
> Note that this will take much longer to compress however.
> John

Some time ago, I've made some tests on a customer site.
They have plenty data that could be compressed ( a 75% ratio )

With GZIP ( which is equal to gzip default level 6 ) we loose hours of 
compression to obtain finally only a 78% ratio
compared to the gzip2 I actually use.

Waht would be cool is to have multi-threaded bacula-fd using lzma compression 


     Bruno Friedmann

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