On Tuesday 01 December 2009 16:31:45 Robert Hartzell wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > <serious-flame>
> >
> > I very seldom complain publicly about vendors such as Sun Microsystems,
> > so this is a bit unusual.  Just to note, in 1983, Sun was the first Unix
> > system that I had ever used, and I continuously used it until about 1998,
> > when I switched to Linux.  Their OS was quite stable and worked with a
> > lot of high end equipment.  I enjoyed working with it, but found that
> > Linux OS was very nice and worked with much cheaper and more available
> > hardware (the reason for my switch to Linux).
> >
> > Recently I tried loading OpenSolaris in a VM, and I discovered that they
> > somehow have remained frozen in time in 1998 and had not significantly
> > improved their user interface -- a big disappointment for me.  I ended up
> > with a default system that had a Java user interface and a /home/kern
> > that was read-only (can you imagine that by default your home directory
> > is read-only?).  I finally gave up.
> What do you mean by "Java user interface"? Opensolaris is currently
> using Gnome Desktop version 2.28.0

That surprised me too.  It was a full Java user interface, and all I did was 
about 6 months ago install an OpenSolaris.  It is possible that they gave me 
the choice between two user interfaces and I made the bad choice.

I'll try installing it again in the next month or so and see what new 
surprises I come up with.

> Are you using the automounter to mount /export/home/kern to /home/kern?
> if autofs is turned on (default) you can't write to /home because thats
> where the user directories are mounted

It very likely was mounted by the automounter, but I used what I considered to 
be all the default options, and that is what I got.  Very surprising.  I 
corrected it by calling a Solaris expert was not at all surprised and who 
showed me the commands to remount home rw -- something I could have done, but 
I just could not imagine any default installation would do that.

> > I would have been happy to leave things there, but Sun has not stopped
> > making my life difficult.  First they bought MySQL, which is heavily used
> > by Bacula users.  Their latest source prerelease for Solaris, which two
> > of our regression testers were using was simply broken and did not work. 
> > Great, Sun buys MySQL and breaks it!  I can understand why the MySQL
> > developers are leaving and MariaDB was created -- what a pity.
> This was due to a compiler bug:
> http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=49091
> a simple fix is to use mysql5 instead of the default mysql51
>   "pkg install SUNWmysql5"

Yes, we did drop back to MySQL 5.  What surprised me was not that there are 
bugs, but that it was released.


> > For the last several users I have been using VirtualBox.  It has worked
> > perfectly.  Recently, my RHEL 64 when applying upgrades upgraded from
> > RHEL 5.3 to 5.4, then shortly later, the VM hard disk image destroyed
> > itself.  The first time in 2 or 3 years that I had any problem.  OK, that
> > kind of thing can happen.
> >
> > So, I upgraded from VirtualBox version 2.2 to version 3.1 on my Xeon
> > machine. In doing so, the new Virtual box has destroyed *all* the VM
> > images that I had (8-10).  I don't know if you have ever setup and
> > configured a VM, but it is not a trivial amount of work.
> >
> > As far as I am concerned Sun OpenSource software venture stinks.  I think
> > with all the noise about Oracle buying them, and their blunders in
> > implementation of OpenSolaris, MySQL, and VirtualBox, they have little
> > chance of surviving in the Open Source software market.  Perhaps their
> > high-end hardware offerings will fare better.
> >
> > </serious-flame>
> >
> > Kern
> >
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