On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 12:20:36 +1100
Norberto Meijome <numard...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> We have a tape library, 7 slots, 1 drive, barcode reader. All our tapes are
> barcoded.
> I've been using 'label barcodes' with some success [1]. I would like to be
> able to just insert new tapes and let bacula automatically label them using
> the barcode read from the tape.
> Is this possible, and if so, how ?

Any time you add/remove tapes from the tape library, you need to do
'update slots' and 'label barcodes' in bacula.

Does that not behave as you expect?

Alex Chekholko   ch...@pcbi.upenn.edu

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