On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 13:37:48 +1100
Norberto Meijome <numard...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> >
> > Any time you add/remove tapes from the tape library, you need to do
> > 'update slots' and 'label barcodes' in bacula.
> >
> > Does that not behave as you expect?
> >
> > --
> > Alex Chekholko   ch...@pcbi.upenn.edu
> >
> @ Dan, @ Alex,
> yes, it does what I want - almost.
> Just that with only 1 drive, I need to have no jobs running in order to be
> able to label the tapes. Otherwise, as soon as one tape is available, the
> job will pick it up and put on hold the label task.
> automount off helps, but that's when I experienced the crash - i haven't had
> a chance to try to reproduce the issue.
> On the other hand, if I could put a job on hold / paused state, it would
> solve this issue. i think.
> B


Yes, if you only have one drive, you need to have no jobs running in order to 
do 'update slots' or 'label barcodes'.

Alex Chekholko   ch...@pcbi.upenn.edu  

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