> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 175: Start Backup JobId 175, 
> Job=DefaultBackupClient.2010-04-17_23.05.00_23
> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 175: Max configured use duration exceeded. 
> Marking Volume "disk_0005" as Used.
> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 175: Recycled volume "disk_0006"
> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 175: Using Device "FileStorage"
> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-sd JobId 175: Recycled volume "disk_0006" on device 
> "FileStorage" (/opt/bacula/volumes), all previous data lost.
> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-sd JobId 175: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:01, 
> Transfer rate = 0  Bytes/second
> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-dir JobId 175: Bacula backula-dir 5.0.1 (24Feb10): 
> 17-Apr-2010 23:05:04
> ..
> ..
> It mentions above "all previous data lost" on disk_0006
> But later in the messages, I see:
> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-sd JobId 176: Volume "disk_0006" previously written, 
> moving to end of data.
> 17-Apr 23:05 backula-sd JobId 176: Ready to append to end of Volume 
> "disk_0006" size=621
> I checked the file sizes of the files, and they continue to grow every night. 
>  I would expect an incremental file to be very small, but this is not what 
> I'm seeing.
> Or is this normal?

>From your logs It looks like it did not grow. I mean at job 175 it
recycled the disk_0006 volume purging all jobs on the volume and
setting its size to zero. After that it continued job 175 and then ran
176 on that volume.


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