On 30/07/10, Dan Langille (d...@langille.org) wrote:
> On 7/30/2010 3:53 AM, Rory Campbell-Lange wrote:
> >
> >     Fatal error: sql_create.c:843 Batch end postgresql.c:748 error ending
> >     batch mode: ERROR:  could not extend relation 1663/17472/17828:
> >     wrote only 4096 of 8192 bytes at block 98374
> >     HINT:  Check free disk space.
> >The database itself is only just over 500MB.
> I think you're suggesting Bacula used up 3.4GB in a query..
> How many files are you backing up?

7,643,966 files taking up 7.265 T of space on tape.

> Umm, or it could be a problem with the way you have your computer
> system configured.  :)  It's a matter of perspective.  In a 6.5TB
> backup, I'm going to guess there are a large number of files, given
> that var filled up.  Can you extend var?  Or create a symlink to
> another filesystem to give PostgreSQL the space it needs.

I'm intrigued about this batch file. Where is it and how big is it? I
can increase the size of /var, or move the postgresql database mount
point, but it is difficult to know how much size it may require.

> > Is it not possible to change this
> >arrangement to use sequential inserts instead?
> Look at the Spool Attributes directive.  Set it to know. This way,
> the details of each file will be added to the database right after
> that file is backed up.

I turned off spooling and set the Spool Attributes directive to no and
reran the backup. The backup job completes but the database insert bails

clwbackup-dir JobId 8: Fatal error: sql_create.c:894 Fill File table
Query failed: INSERT INTO File (FileIndex, JobId, PathId, FilenameId,
LStat, MD5)SELECT batch.FileIndex, bat ch.JobId, Path.PathId,
Filename.FilenameId,batch.LStat, batch.MD5 FROM batch JOIN Path ON (batc
h.Path = Path.Path) JOIN Filename ON (batch.Name = Filename.Name):
ERR=ERROR:  could not write to hash-join temporary file: No space left
on device

I don't understand why bacula isn't writing to the database
continuously. Why is a batch file needed?

Rory Campbell-Lange

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