>>>>> On Tue, 3 Aug 2010 13:17:25 +0100, Rory Campbell-Lange said:
> Thanks very much for your response, Martin.
> On 03/08/10, Martin Simmons (mar...@lispworks.com) wrote:
> > >>>>> On Tue, 3 Aug 2010 10:15:18 +0100, Rory Campbell-Lange said:
> > > I have 3.4GB free in /var where Postgresql is located. At the end of a
> > > large backup job (7,643,966 files taking up 7.265TB of space) Postgres
> > > bails out copying a batch file into the File table due to a mysterious
> > > "no space left on device" error.
> > > 
> > > Questions:
> > > 1. How should I size my postgresql partition?
> > 
> > I expect 7.6 million records to need at least 800MB when inserted and the
> > batch tables will need a similar amount during the backup.  It is difficult 
> > to
> > predict what the hash-join temporary file will need because it depends on 
> > the
> > internals of PostgreSQL.
> > 
> > Firstly though I suggest running df frequently during the backup to verify
> > that the problem really is /var filling up.
> My server logs over the backup period still show over 2GB free in /var
> (where postgresql is held) and 8GB in /tmp. Thanks however for the rule
> of thumb sizes for the records.

It isn't clear to me if your logs cover the minutes and seconds up to the
point of failure.  After the failure, the temporary table/file will have been
deleted so the free space will appear to be fine again.

> > > 2. Can I stop this needless after-backup insertion? I tried setting
> > >    Spool Attributes to NO but it did not work
> > 
> > You need to rebuild Bacula with the --disable-batch-insert option, but it
> > might run quite slowly.  Setting synchronous_commit = off in postgresql.conf
> > might help to make it faster.
> Thanks about the note about the --disable-batch-insert compile time
> option. Changing the synchronous_commit flag to off will speed up
> inserts into the database which will is great, but it won't affect the
> size of the batch file. Please clarify why you are suggesting this.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  I was only suggesting that you change
synchronous_commit if you use --disable-batch-insert.

> > > 3. Why is Bacula using a batch file at all? Why not simply do a straight
> > >    insert?
> > 
> > Because 7,643,966 inserts would be much slower.
> Really? I've logged Bacula's performance on the server and the inserts
> run at around 0.35 ms and updates at around 0.5 ms. 

> 8 million inserts at 0.35ms will take about 46 minutes.

The batch insert code made a noticable difference for me.  It takes 2 to 3
minutes to process 950,000 file records, but I don't have the figures for the
non-batch insert now.  "Process" here is the whole operation, not just
inserting into the File table (it has to query and update Filename and Path

>                                                         But it would be
> quite possible for Bacula to do this asynchronously while it does the
> job of writing data from disk to tape, which in this case takes several
> days.

That's true.  Moreover, your average file size is quite large, so the per file
time to insert the records may not be so important anyway.

>       Perhaps this is something the developers could consider?

You can do that already by compiling with --disable-batch-insert and setting
Spool Attributes to NO.


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