From time to time, I get a job stuck.  But I'm not sure why.  Several 
other jobs have already gone through this storage device since this item 
was queued.  Confused...

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 14-Dec-10 02:03
  JobId Level   Name                       Status
  41810 Increme  CopyMaildirToTape.2010-12-13_11.15.00_57 is waiting on 
max Storage jobs

from bacula-dir.conf:

Job {
   Name     = "CopyMaildirToTape"
   Type     = Copy
   JobDefs  = "DefaultJobTape"

   Schedule = "MaildirCopy"

   Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs

JobDefs {
   Name        = "DefaultJobTape"
   Type        = Backup
   Level       = Incremental
   Client      = polo-fd
   FileSet     = "Full Set"
   Schedule    = "WeeklyCycleForCopyingToTape"
   Storage     = DigitalTapeLibrary
   Messages    = Standard

   Pool        = FullFile # required parameter for all Jobs

   # since this JobDef is meant to be used with a Copy Job
   # these Pools are the source for the Copy... not the destination.
   # The Destination is determined by the Next Pool directive in
   # the respective Pools.
   Full         Backup Pool = FullFile
   Differential Backup Pool = DiffFile
   Incremental  Backup Pool = IncrFile

   Priority    = 400

   # don't spool date when backing up to tape from local disk
   Spool Data  = no
   Spool Attributes = yes

   RunAfterJob  = "/home/dan/bin/dlt-stats-kraken"

   # no sense spooling local data
   Spool Data       = no
   Spool Attributes = yes
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 6

Schedule {
   Name = "WeeklyCycleForCopyingToTape"
   Run = Level=Full         1st     sun at 6:15 8:15 10:15
   Run = Level=Differential 2nd-5th sun at 6:15 8:15 10:15
   Run = Level=Incremental  mon-sat     at 6:15 8:15 10:15

from bacula-sd.conf

Storage {                             # definition of myself
   Name = kraken-sd
   SDPort = 9103                  # Director's port
   WorkingDirectory = "/storage/compressed/bacula/working"
   Pid Directory = "/var/run"
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

Autochanger {
   Name            = "DigitalTapeLibrary"
   Device          = "DTL01"
   Description     = "Digital DLT MiniLibrary - TL891"
   Changer Device  = /dev/pass10
   Changer Command = "/usr/local/sbin/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"

Device {
   Name                    = "DTL01"
   Description             = "Digital DLT MiniLibrary - first drive"
   Media Type              = DLT
   Archive Device          = /dev/nsa0

   Autochanger             = yes
   Drive Index             = 0

   Offline On Unmount      = no
   Hardware End of Medium  = no
   BSF at EOM              = yes
   Backward Space Record   = no
   Fast Forward Space File = yes
   TWO EOF                 = yes

   Spool Directory         = /home/bacula/spooling-lib
   Maximum Spool Size      = 11759496889
   Maximum Job Spool Size  = 11759496889    # 10GB

Dan Langille -

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