On 3/4/11 4:32 AM, Dan Langille wrote:
> This situation occurs often. Usually every morning.  If I cancel the top
> job (in this ca 54502), the other jobs will proceed.
> Running Jobs:
> Console connected at 04-Mar-11 12:23
>    JobId Level   Name                       Status
> ======================================================================
>    54502 Differe  CopyToTape-Diff.2011-03-04_08.32.04_23 is waiting on
> max Storage jobs
>    54503 Full    CopyToTape-Full.2011-03-04_08.32.04_24 is waiting execution
>    54504 Full    CopyToTape-Full.2011-03-04_08.32.04_25 is waiting for
> higher priority jobs to finish
>    54505 Increme  nyi_maildir_tarball.2011-03-04_08.32.05_26 is waiting
> execution
>    54506 Full    BackupCatalog.2011-03-04_08.32.05_27 is waiting execution
> ====
> My configuration is:
> http://www.langille.org/tmp/bacula-dir.conf
> http://www.langille.org/tmp/bacula-sd.conf
> Any clues as to why this hangs so often?
There is history of this problem in this list - search past posts. If I 
remember, this is an email notification issue.


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