I'm interested to know about configs on the PV 124T too. I've got an
LTO4 Quantum drive.

clwbackup:/home/it# tapeinfo -f /dev/sg3
    Product Type: Tape Drive
    Vendor ID: 'QUANTUM '
    Product ID: 'ULTRIUM 4       '
    Revision: '2210'
    Attached Changer API: No
    SerialNumber: 'JN0823AMJ50251'
    MinBlock: 1
    MaxBlock: 16777215
    SCSI ID: 0
    SCSI LUN: 0
    Ready: yes
    BufferedMode: yes
    Medium Type: Not Loaded
    Density Code: 0x46
    BlockSize: 0
    DataCompEnabled: yes
    DataCompCapable: yes
    DataDeCompEnabled: yes
    CompType: 0x1
    DeCompType: 0x1
    Block Position: 506999
    Partition 0 Remaining Kbytes: 0
    Partition 0 Size in Kbytes: 853060
    ActivePartition: 0
    EarlyWarningSize: 0

Excerpt from bacula-sd.conf

    Autochanger {
      Name = PV-124T
      Device = LTO4-Drive1
      Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
      Changer Device = /dev/sg4

    Device {
      Name = LTO4-Drive1
      Drive Index = 0
      Media Type = LTO4
      Archive Device = /dev/nst0
      AutomaticMount = yes;      # when device opened, read it
      AlwaysOpen = yes;
      RemovableMedia = yes;
      RandomAccess = no;
      AutoChanger = yes
      Maximum File Size = 5G
      # Maximum Spool Size = 260G
      # Maximum Job Spool Size = 100G # will need this is there are concurrent 
      Spool Directory = /tapehold
      Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

On 28/02/11, Jeremiah D. Jester (jj...@u.washington.edu) wrote:
> I'm using a 124t w/ LT04 tapes. I would appreciate if I could see your
> conf files for comparison.

Rory Campbell-Lange

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