This is my client configurations, and in the Plugin directory I have 

FileDaemon {                            # this is me
   Name = sbs-fd
   FDport = 9102                # where we listen for the director
   WorkingDirectory = "C:/Program Files/Bacula/working"
   Pid Directory = "C:/Program Files/Bacula/working"
   Plugin Directory = "C:/Program Files/Bacula/plugins"
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10

My fileSet is the one you suggested:

FileSet {
   Name = "Exchange"
   Include {
        Options {
                     signature = MD5
                     compression = GZIP9
                     IgnoreCase = yes
       Plugin = "exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store"


The error I am getting is the following:

bacula-dir Start Backup JobId 59, Job=Backup_Exchange.2011-05-31_10.40.23_29

  Using Device "FileStorage"

sbs-fd Warning: VSS was not initialized properly. VSS support is disabled. 
ERR=An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.

Fatal error: /home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/filed/fd_plugins.c:223 Command 
plugin "exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store" requested, but is not 
bacula-sd Volume "HERE" previously written, moving to end of data. Ready to 
append to end of Volume "HERE" size=12959845363

I have taken note about the problem with the restore situation, but any help to 
sort this would be great.


On 26/05/11 14:24, Graham Keeling wrote:
> On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 01:50:39PM +0100, Marc Goujon wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I know this might have been asked millions of times before, but I cannot
>> seem to locate clear information via the archives or the official
>> documentation and I feel I am almost there.
>>   From what I have understood, the Exchange plugin is basically that
>> exchange-fd.dll file. The first question is: is that enough? I ask this
>> because while reading the archives someone mentioned that bpipe plugin
>> was needed, however the documentation says "The purpose of the plugin is
>> to provide an interface to any system program for backup and restore".
>> So... a plugin requires another plugin? Is bpipe just allowing to
>> include plugin = "XXXX" expressions in the file sets?
>> Secondly, my config for the director (a linux machine) says:
>> FileSet {
>>     Name = "Exchange"
>>     #Enable VSS = yes
>>     Include {
>>         File = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange Server\\Mailbox"
>>         Plugin = "exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store"
>>     }
>>     Exclude {
>>                   File = "C:\\Program
>> Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\First Storage Group\\Mailbox
>> Database.edb"
>>                   File = "C:\\Program
>> Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\First Storage Group\\Mailbox
>> Database.edb"
>>                   File = "C:\\Program
>> Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange\\Mailbox\\Second Storage Group\\Public Folder
>> Database.edb"
>>                   }
>>     }
>> However when my job fails, I get the following error:
>> sbs-fd Cannot open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
>> Server\Mailbox/First Storage Group/Mailbox Database.edb": ERR=The
>> process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
>> sbs-fd Cannot open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange
>> Server\Mailbox/Second Storage Group/Public Folder Database.edb": ERR=The
>> process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
>>    Fatal error: /home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/filed/fd_plugins.c:223 
>> Command plugin "exchange:@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store" requested, 
>> but is not loaded.
>> There must be something I am missing here, as although those files are
>> explicitly excluded, they are still causing the error?
>> Any tips or docs you can point me to would be greatly  appreciated.
> a) I think you should only use forward slashes ('/') in your filesets, not
> backslashes.
> b) This is the fileset that I used to use:
> FileSet {
>    Name = "Windows:2k3-pt2:Windows Exchange Server data"
>    Include {
>      Options {
>        signature = MD5
>        compression = GZIP9
>        IgnoreCase = yes
>      }
>      Plugin = "exchange:/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store"
>    }
> }
> c) Be very very careful with this. I believe that the plugin doesn't work
> properly. Specifically, it will restore from:
>      * A full backup
>      * A full backup, plus one incremental.
> But then it may not restore from:
>      * A full backup, plus two incrementals.
> And be less and less likely to work for each incremental that you add.
> And without attempting to restore, it will seem as if it is working.
> See bacula bug number 0001647, which has the status "closed" with the
> resolution "won't fix":
> You might be OK if you always did Full backups, but that defeats the point.
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