>>>>> On Sun, 10 Jul 2011 12:17:55 +0000, Steve Costaras said:
> Importance: Normal
> Sensitivity: Normal
> I am trying a full backup/multi-job to a single client and all was going well 
> until this morning when I received the error below.   All other jobs were 
> also canceled.  
> My question is two fold:
> 1) What the heck is this error?  I can unmount the drive, issue a rawfill to
> the tape w/ btape and no problems?
> ...
> 3000 OK label. VolBytes=1024 DVD=0 Volume="FA0016" Device="LTO4" (/dev/nst0)
> Requesting to mount LTO4 ...
> 3905 Bizarre wait state 7
> Do not forget to mount the drive!!!
> 2011-07-10 03SD-loki JobId 6: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "FA0016" on 
> device "LTO4" (/dev/nst0)
> 2011-07-10 03SD-loki JobId 6: New volume "FA0016" mounted on device "LTO4" 
> (/dev/nst0) at 10-Jul-2011 03:51.
> 2011-07-10 03SD-loki JobId 6: Fatal error: block.c:439 Attempt to write on 
> read-only Volume. dev="LTO4" (/dev/nst0)
> 2011-07-10 03SD-loki JobId 6: End of medium on Volume "FA0016" Bytes=1,024 
> Blocks=0 at 10-Jul-2011 03:51.
> 2011-07-10 03SD-loki JobId 6: Fatal error: Job 6 canceled.
> 2011-07-10 03SD-loki JobId 6: Fatal error: device.c:192 Catastrophic error. 
> Cannot write overflow block to device "LTO4" (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output 
> error

Do you regularly see the "3905 Bizarre wait state 7" message?  It could be an
indication of problems (and everything after that could be a consequence of

What are the messages that lead up to that point?


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