On 19.10.2011 16:44, Johnston, James C. (GRC-RXP0) wrote:
> I’m trying to back up a bunch of computational data – about 16 – 18 TB
> at the moment. I’ll be backing a single fileserver up to a ~36 TB RAID
> array connected to the server via fiber channel.
> I’m considering how often I do a Full backup since even with fiber
> channel the backup is going to take a long time. The typical Full on the
> first weekend of the month, Differential on the other weekends and
> Incrementals every night seems like a lot.
> One plan I’m looking at is a Full backup quarterly – starting at 21:01
> am on the first Saturday after Dec 1^st , March 1^st , June 1^st , and
> September 1^st .

I've splitted a 20TB backup into many jobs. I run incrementals between 
the full-backup jobs. taking the full and waiting for it to complete 
would take way too long without backing up the new data.

- Thomas

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