On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 04:58:32PM +0100, Gary Stainburn wrote:
> Hi folks.
> Google has burried me once again as this seems to be a recurring question.
> What is the best method of starting a restore without an interactive 
> interface.  Basically, I want to be able to start a restore of the last 
> backup state (option 5) for a client, specifying a difference restoreclient.
> In an idea world I'd like to run a script after a successful completion.
> I've tried:
> restore all client=gary-fd restoreclient=eddie-fd
> but it still asks for a resture type which I want to default to 5 and then 
> asks me for a FileSet resource. I now only have one fileset resource for 
> Linux but it still insists on giving me two choices including one I no long 
> have in the config files.
> Gary

Hi Gary, 

you could brute-force your way into running a restore by doing lots of
echos answering bconsole's restore questions like so (from memory): 

( echo "restore"; echo "mod" ; echo "3"; echo .... ; echo "yes") |

of course you'd have to keep track of changing client and fileset
index numbers as your dir config changes. 

You should be able to remove the "ghost fileset" using mysql and
deleting the appropriate table row in your bacula db. 



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