On Thu, 9 Aug 2012 16:58:32 +0100
Gary Stainburn <g...@ringways.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi folks.
> Google has burried me once again as this seems to be a recurring
> question.
> What is the best method of starting a restore without an interactive 
> interface.  Basically, I want to be able to start a restore of the
> last backup state (option 5) for a client, specifying a difference
> restoreclient.
> In an idea world I'd like to run a script after a successful
> completion.
> I've tried:
> restore all client=gary-fd restoreclient=eddie-fd
> but it still asks for a resture type which I want to default to 5 and
> then asks me for a FileSet resource. I now only have one fileset
> resource for Linux but it still insists on giving me two choices
> including one I no long have in the config files.
> Gary
echo "restore client=$HOST-fd where=$where_you_want 
restoreclient=$FD_TO_RESTORE_TO bootstrap=/var/lib/bacula/$HOST-fd.bsr  select 
current all done  yes" | bconsole > /dev/null

That is what I use. It restores everything from though the latest backup with 
out me telling it what to do. Fair warning. Running several of these at a time 
in parallel has caused my DIR to lockup several times with not warning. 

Craig Van Tassle
System Administrator
YONG 1006
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