Zitat von Jonathan Horne <jho...@skopos.us>:

> as title says, i have a PV-124T that works with btape like a champ,  
> but not within bacula for running jobs.  when i submit a job to run  
> to tape, the jobs just sit there.
> i have identical job configuration on another server with a larger  
> power vault tape drive, and its runing like a top. when you submit a  
> tape job, it quickly changes to "running" state.
> if i can work with btape but not with jobs, here can i start the  
> troubleshooting?
> any advice greatly appreciated,
> jonathan


check the permissions for the changer scripts and the changer/tape  
devices. Bacula normaly run as unpriviled user and maybe the script  
permissions don't match.



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