On Wed, May 08, 2013 at 12:00:43PM +0200, Stefan Fuhrmann wrote:
> We take the storage to datacenter, doing full backups
> after that we take the storage to the firm and doing only diff- backups over 
> wan/vpn to firm- storage
> doing "virtual full backups" then.
> Is taht a running way?

Should work.

> Another question: How old can the diff-backup be doing "virtual full 
> backups"? ex. "full backup" is half a year old and we are having hundrets of 
> diff-backups. 
> Is it possible/a good idea doing "virtual full backups" with that great time 
> difference between full- and diff- backups?

Well, when you do a VirtualFull, you have a new Full to base the next
one on.
It is always: Most recent Full + most recent Diff + all Incs since last
Diff. If you decide to carry your system to the data center, do a full
there, take it back, do differentials for 3 years on a weekly base and
then only a virtual full, you need your 3 year old Full backup + the
most recent differential.
However, as a Diff backup transfers all data since the last full, you
very likely have to transfer quite some data in a single Diff after some
time, i suggest doing VirtualFull more often and perhaps even don't do
Diffs at all but only Incrementals.
The usual reason to do Differential backups is to save tape changes
while restoring. Depending on the available space and the technology you
save your backups on, e.g. monthly VirtualFull + daily Incrementals
might be a good way.

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