
I want my clients to listen on all interfaces. Its easy if you only use
ipv4. But this breaks:

 FDAddresses = { 
  ipv6 = { addr = :: ; port = 9102; }
  ipv4 = { addr = ; port = 9102; }

bacula-fd then starts and listens on ipv4 and ipv6,
even telnet works via v4 and v6. But
authentication with the bacula-director fails.

But: If I use this:
 FDAddresses = { 
  ipv6 = { addr = :: ; port = 9102; }

Everything works. Even ipv4 ...
I think this should be documented somewhere.
It would be great if this worked (ip instead of ipv6):
 FDAddresses = { 
  ip = { addr = :: ; port = 9102; }

But then, bacula-fd doesn't even start
Or did I miss something.

Christoph Kluenter                   E-Mail: supp...@iphh.net
Technik                              Tel: +49 (0)40 374919-10
IPHH Internet Port Hamburg GmbH      Fax: +49 (0)40 374919-29
Wendenstrasse 408                    AG Hamburg, HRB 76071
D-20537 Hamburg                      Geschaeftsfuehrung: Axel G. Kroeger

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