> @heitor Sorry I didn't make it clear, but of course I ran a new job and
> tested that when done. By the way how can estimate tell me it won't back up
> the core and .cache files - do I just compare its output with du or
> something? Also, I actuially watch the job by repeatedly doing status all,
> and I see it ploughing through the .cache folder with "Processing file...".
> I thought that would not show the .cache folder there if I'd got it right -
> is that correct?

Bill: sorry me. Is .cache a folder?
So the option is: WildDir, not WildFile.

*wilddir=string*Specifies a wild-card string to be applied to directory
names only. No filenames will be matched by this directive. Note, if
*Exclude* is not enabled, the wild-card will select directories to be
included. If *Exclude=yes* is specified, the wild-card will select which
directories are to be excluded. Multiple wild-card directives may be
specified, and they will be applied in turn until the first one that
matches. Note, if you exclude a directory, no files or directories below it
will be matched.

It is recommended to enclose the string in double quotes.

You may want to test your expressions prior to running your backup by using
the bwild program. Please see the Utilitiesbwild chapter of this manual for
more. You can also test your full FileSet definition by using the
estimateestimate command in the Console chapter of this manual. An example
of excluding with the WildDir option on Win32 machines is presented below.

> Thanks for everyones help so far!
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