Hello All,

I have a small backup job that is hanging on despooling attributes.

media-dir No prior Full backup Job record found.

 No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.

media-dir Start Backup JobId 6, Job=httpBackup.2014-11-14_17.31.36_08

 Using Device "FileStorage"

media-sd Volume "Remote-0001" previously written, moving to end of data.

 Ready to append to end of Volume "Remote-0001" size=12597390492

 Spooling data ...

media-sd Job write elapsed time = 00:24:20, Transfer rate = 3.968 M Bytes/second

 Committing spooled data to Volume "Remote-0001". Despooling
5,804,239,547 bytes ...

media-sd Despooling elapsed time = 00:02:20, Transfer rate = 41.45 M

media-sd Sending spooled attrs to the Director. Despooling 47,351,608 bytes ...

http-fd      /run is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.

http-fd      /opt is a different filesystem. Will not descend from / into it.

Not a large amount of files and only around 6GB of data here... but this
despooling has been going on for over 2 hours now.

Debian 7.7
Bacula  5.2.6  (mysql backend)

Modern PC. Dual core with 4GB of RAM. RAID5 3TB drives.

# hdparm -tT /dev/md3

 Timing cached reads:   1724 MB in  2.00 seconds = 862.23 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 376 MB in  3.01 seconds = 125.06 MB/sec

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

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