Hello Olaf,

Sorry I'm late in this post.
It seems there is still some password mismatching problems. Could you post
your resources definitions for monitor (in bacula-dir.conf, bacula-fd.conf
and bacula-sd.conf) and your tray-monitor.conf?

Best regards,

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 3:19 PM, olx69 <ope-li...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello Anna,
> > I was not refering to the names for user and password. Instead, the
> > directives "user" and "password" for Catalog definition. I noticed in
> > your post that you defined Catalog using the keywords "dbuser" and
> > "dbpassword", instead of using "user" and "password". Like bellow:
> >
> > Catalog {
> >          Name = MyCatalog
> >          dbname = "bacula"
> >          dbuser = "bacula"
> >          dbpassword = ""
> > }
> ah, thank you for pointing this. There are some wrong blogs on web ...
> Anyway, After some test this did not solve the problem - finally it
> where problems with right group and permissions. Further I had to add my
> FQN at /etc/hosts - something seems to be wrong at F22.
> But two problems still resist:
> $ bacula-tray-monitor -d99 -c /etc/bacula/tray-monitor.conf
> tray-monitor: bsock.c:310-0 OK connected to server  Director daemon
> tux64.home.lan:9101.
> tray-monitor: cram-md5.c:139-0 sending resp to challenge:
> Y8UyU8/FHw+i68UHd4JUuB
> tray-monitor: cram-md5.c:67-0 send: auth cram-md5 challenge
> <466579471.1434046447@tray-monitor> ssl=0
> tray-monitor: cram-md5.c:86-0 Authenticate OK w9kJdy/8Qy/Qt6/pf7+hLD
> tray-monitor: authenticate.cpp:81-0 >dird: 1000 OK auth
> tray-monitor: authenticate.cpp:88-0 <dird: 1000 OK: 1 bacula-tux64-dir
> Version: 7.0.5 (28 July 2014)
> tray-monitor: bsock.c:310-0 OK connected to server  File daemon
> tux64.home.lan:9102.
> tray-monitor: cram-md5.c:139-0 sending resp to challenge:
> +QpHgScKy9+uqmNV74+UXC
> tray-monitor: cram-md5.c:67-0 send: auth cram-md5 challenge
> <1223422051.1434046447@tray-monitor> ssl=0
> tray-monitor: cram-md5.c:86-0 Authenticate OK fj+lV9YEWzdUqFgeP/+v6B
> tray-monitor: bsock.c:310-0 OK connected to server  Storage daemon
> tux64.home.lan:9103.
> tray-monitor: cram-md5.c:124-0 Cannot scan received response to
> challenge: authenticate.c:86 Bad Hello command from Director at client:
> Hello Director bacula-tux64-mon calling
> 11-Jun 20:14 tray-monitor JobId 0: Fatal error: authenticate.cpp:126
> Director and Storage daemon passwords or names not the same.
> Please see
> http://www.bacula.org/en/rel-manual/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html#SECTION00260000000000000000
> for help.
> $ sudo bat -d99
> X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 10
>    Extension:    130 (MIT-SHM)
>    Minor opcode: 1 (X_ShmAttach)
>    Resource id:  0x3000004
> X Error: BadShmSeg (invalid shared segment parameter) 128
>    Extension:    130 (MIT-SHM)
>    Minor opcode: 3 (X_ShmPutImage)
>    Resource id:  0x30000fa
> bat: bsock.c:310-0 OK connected to server  Director daemon
> tux64.home.lan:9101.
> bat: cram-md5.c:139-0 sending resp to challenge: Ww+Xo3EtyD/uKC+LC8+6rA
> bat: cram-md5.c:67-0 send: auth cram-md5 challenge
> <628826973.1434046684@bat> ssl=0
> bat: cram-md5.c:86-0 Authenticate OK IW+T/R/05RcT4W+4R8+EhC
> bat: bcomm/dircomm_auth.cpp:142-0 >dird: 1000 OK auth
> bat: bcomm/dircomm_auth.cpp:152-0 <dird: 1000 OK: 1 bacula-tux64-dir
> Version: 7.0.5 (28 July 2014)
> X Error: BadShmSeg (invalid shared segment parameter) 128
>    Extension:    130 (MIT-SHM)
>    Minor opcode: 3 (X_ShmPutImage)
>    Resource id:  0x30000fa
> ....
> and no widgets are drawn. Any hints? It this specific to Fedora22?
> Thank you,
> Olaf
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